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Monday, April 25, 2011

EPA Stands for Enemy of Poor America

See -  Energy in America: EPA Rules Force Shell to Abandon Oil Drilling Plans

The so-called Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) isn't about protecting America from pollution but raping the American taxpayer. With fuel costs skyrocketing we are paying to help Brazil produce oil. Makes a lot of sense eh? What do we do to those exploring here like Shell? Give them the shaft. Don't be fooled. This is all about redistributing income away from the American taxpayer. Liberals hate America. During the campaign Obama said our best days are behind us and he has been going gangbusters to make sure he fulfills that prediction. Shell can appeal the ruling but note who's on the appeal's panel:
The Environmental Appeals Board has four members: Edward Reich, Charles Sheehan, Kathie Stein and Anna Wolgast. All are registered Democrats and Kathie Stein was an activist attorney for the Environmental Defense Fund. Members are appointed by the EPA administrator.
EPA needs to be shut down. Give its functions back to the states who are closest to local problems and can address them more effectively. In my own community we are fighting the sludge issue. EPA is perfectly happy to have treated sewage used as fertilizer on our farms. I don't care how much you treat it, I'm not interested in consuming human sewage on my farm produce.

Hat tip to Gary for the heads up on this.

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