Thursday, December 30, 2010

Blasphemy Masquerading as Humor: Protest to Doritos/Pepsi

Doritos and Pepsi have partnered to offer a $5 million prize for the best Super Bowl ad submitted in their advertising contest. Below is one of the worst, blasphemous and offensive to Catholics worldwide. Can you imagine alienating millions of potential customers by mocking the most sacred belief of their faith? Go here to sign a petition to Pepsi/Doritos. They will be selecting ten finalists on January 3rd. Let's make sure this isn't one of them! If they choose it, they will be showing the marketing judgment of a cockroach.


  1. Actually, I don't think it's aimed at Catholics only. At second 35, note the tray with the small cups; you'll find those in some Protestant churches but not Catholic churches. However, it's terrible enough, as for us the Eucharist is mocked. I think all Christians have "dogs in this fight" and should be outraged.

  2. Looks more like a Lutheran or Episcopalian communion line to me. And it IS funny.

  3. The video is irrelevant. You folks are being a mockery to faith all by yourselves.

  4. My goodness....

    I received an email today about this but in my wildest dreams I couldn't imagine how crass the commercial was.Thanks for posting got me to write an email. I didn't even wait for the commercial to end. Personal email sent out and petition signed. (I guess that is another email.)

    How could they be so stupid. This commercial is offensive. Might get attention, but a significant portion of that attention will only cause gasping and revulsion. The genuinely religious person has a physical reaction after seeing that commercial - you want to know what it is. I do not ever feel like eating another Dorito or drinking Pepsi again.

  5. If mocking other people's most sacred beliefs is funny, I guess you can make a case, Anonymous. My mom taught me that "jokes" that ridiculed others and their beliefs were never funny. I'm sorry you didn't have such a wise mom. Or maybe you just didn't listen to her.

    As for you, DG, you sound like you just hate Christians. Or maybe it's only the ones who act like they believe what Jesus actually taught.

  6. DG posted the exact same comment on my post, verbatum. DG, can't you at least show some originality in your Christianity-bashing? Sheesh!

  7. Not only was there a tray with small cups as a Protestant church may have, but there were no kneelers; with the actors dressed as priests, they were defineetly meaning to be "Catholic." And if our Lord and Savior didn't bring people to church, why surely Pepsi and Doritos would (?)
    I have signed the petition and written to Pepsi. Folloing is my email:
    I've seen the comerical produced by Feed my flock; the one that they entered in contest to be shown during superbowl. For any Catholic who believes the Eucharist is Jesus' Body and Blood, this ad is blasphemous. Christ died for me and I would die for Him. For Doritos and Pepsi? Take a guess. I like them, but shall choose to ban them from my life if this commerical is shown, and shall suggest others do so also.

  8. Jerald Franklin ArcherDecember 31, 2010 at 7:52 PM

    This blasphemous production is really shaded in very deceptive and disjointed meaning, it is clearly produced and directed by Satan himself. The setting is mockingly unclear as to what religious group the producers are depicting. They did this on purpose, but failed at the humor they were attempting to convey. There is no humor in blasphemy.

    As logic would dictate, some Catholic minds would immediately be offended--but only by those that take the Body and Blood of Christ seriously and the proper way of receiving Him. No true Catholic would ever have an excuse to find the commercial even remotely funny. Those who deny the Real Presence are already in the blasphemy boat, so the commercial just make further mockery of their position, but I doubt that was their intention for producing it. Perhaps the definition of what is blasphemy is based merely on personal opinion by the producers, who are obviously either mad or ignorant. I would hope by this time they are more educated.

    The whole picture of the Communion in the hand and the "cups" got me right off the bat. Where did the producers get the ideas from I would wonder? Perhaps they are merging Catholic and protestant to make an unconscious point that even they did not fully realize some Catholics see very clearly. It is the epitome of error with a capital "E".

    The idea that the people seem to need an "attraction" to get the pews full (and pay the bills off, which was a very obvious message) only made me think of some of the liturgical abuses that still are occurring in an attempt to do this today.

    At any rate, this kind of trash is a perfect example of how the media, the modernist and the liberal visual artists continue to poison the minds of people. All we can do is pray for them and offer a stern correction and action to let them know where we stand as Catholics. Defend the Church and you defend Christ Himself. It is a never-ending battle that we are obliged to engage in, whenever we have the chance.

  9. It reminds me of the Novus Ordo without the doritos.

  10. Dolorosa has it. The butts of this tasteless but typical bit of fluff are those who are busy defending the NO as the greatest thing since Doritos--oops, I mean sliced bread. All those clergy and laity who wanted protestant-style worship which depends on the bonhommie of the "presider" and celebrates the self-image of the those in the pews can see in this video just how silly they look. This video is not showing a Catholic Church, but there are few who call themselves Catholic who are not mindlessly (or, in the case of the Ordinaries, more culpably) buying in to modernist, self-centered liturgies only slightly less absurd than this example. There have been, in fact, reports of the use of such elements in purportedly Catholic liturgies.

  11. When the Novus Ordo is done as intended it is reverent and beautiful. At one church near my home, it is said ad orientem with the Sanctus and Agnus Dei in Latin. In my own church the pastor never makes himself the center of attention and is reverent throughout. We use traditional hymns and none of the Glory and Praise pabluum.

    You can't be more Catholic than the Church. I agree that some "presiders" turn the Mass into the gong show, but some people use fire to burn down houses. It doesn't mean that fire is bad, just those using it to do the dirty deed.

    I love the Tridentine Mass, but I don't think there is any benefit to be gained in bad mouthing the NO. If the priest loves Holy Mother Church and follows the rubrics to the best of his ability, he is doing his faithful duty no matter which form of the Latin rite he uses.

  12. Taking potshots at my mother? My mother, may she rest in peace, has been dead for 25 years. And she taught me a lot about Jesus and his ever-enduring love. She could also appreciate a good joke and never, ever let anger rule her. I have followed your blog for a little while but you are too full of anger and negativity for me. The world is not the horrible place you seem to think, with everyone out to get you. Your opinions on the church are just that - your opinions. I see much good in our church and think that only more good can come of inclusion and acceptance. That's what my mother taught me and what I will teach my children. And now I will delete your site's bookmark. My prayer for you is that you find some contentment.

  13. Anonymous, I meant no disrespect to your mother and I'm glad there is someone you value so much you will get angry and defend her. I'm sorry you don't feel the same way about Jesus.

    I wonder how your mom who loved Jesus would feel about the disrespect toward him. How would she like people ridiculing the Blessed Sacrament who is the Person of Jesus under the appearance of bread and wine? I suspect your mom was a lot like mine who died in 2002. I suspect both our moms are grieving for the disrespect toward Jesus just like I am!

    Re anger, St. Thomas Aquinas says there is something wrong with people who don't get angry at things they should be angry about. If you aren't angry about the murder of the innocent; if you don't get angry at sacrilege and blasphemy, there's something wrong. The devotion of the First Saturdays is to atone for blasphemy and sacrilege against the Blessed Mother. Do you think blasphemy against Jesus Christ is less important?

  14. You people give us Catholics a bad name. Get over your constipated selves! It's a funny little commercial that is only offensive because you fools want nothing but to be offended.

  15. If this goes on air, it's good-bye Frito-Lay and Pepsi in our household. We cannot support a company who does not show the basic respect we are attempting to instill in our children.

  16. Chris Kuechenmeister, Frito-LayJanuary 3, 2011 at 11:20 AM

    I work for Frito-Lay and wanted to clarify that the above-discussed video was an entry in the Crash the Super Bowl contest where consumers were asked to submit ads for Doritos or Pepsi MAX with the chance of airing on the Super Bowl broadcast. The video was not created by Doritos or Pepsi MAX.

    We received over 5,600 entries. As you can imagine, with such a significant number of submissions, you get a pretty wide range of concepts.

    We announced our 10 finalists this morning, and I wanted to let you know that the above video is not included in the finalist group. This means that it will not air during the Super Bowl and will not be a part of any other Doritos or Pepsi MAX marketing programs in the future.

  17. Anonymous - I imagine you got a real hoot over Robert Mapplethorpe's photo of a crucifix immersed in urine and the Blessed Mother covered in dung. Sacrilege is such a barrel of laughs. I wonder who God thinks is giving Catholics a bad name: those who take the faith seriously or those who are willing to tolerate sacrilege and call it funny.

  18. I am Diane by the way. I love Doritos and drink Pepsi quite often, but if this commercial goes on, Doritos and Pepsi go out the door of my house, and they won't be let in again. The commercial is crass, vulgar and sacrilegious. Sad to say many of the commercials now are so vulgar and inappropriate for family viewing.

  19. Diane again. Chris Kuechenmeister of Frito-Lay, I am glad to hear that this commercial was not chosen to air. If this is the case, the company has saved itself from losing a whole lot of customers. I don't imagine any devout Lutherans would approve of it either.

  20. A bunch of hypocrites no better than the Pharisees. You support one of the most de-humanizing institutions in the history of all mankind. Brood of vipers!!

  21. Diane again. Anonymous on Jan. 4th at 3:39 p.m. must of had a "very bad hair day". (Lots of laughs.)Either that or he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I hope he feels better tomorrow.

  22. Mary Ann, my post about anonymous and the bad hair day might have gone through twice. Sorry! Just use the one with my name if you want to do so.

  23. Anonymous, re your comment about pharisees and the "dehumanizing institution" we support. I'm not sure whom you are calling pharisees? Jesus called the Jewish leaders pharisees; he never implied that the Jewish faith was a "dehumanizing institution." The same with the Catholic Church. I won't deny we have some bad leaders, but that doesn't make the Church bad. Those who attack the Jewish faith in general for the sins of some are anti-semites. Those who attack the Catholic faith in general for the sins of some are anti-Catholic. Does that describe you, Anonymous? Are you an anti-Catholic bigot?

  24. In understanding what is behind the Novus Ordo then you would not want to attend it:
