Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is Joe Biden Smarter than a Fifth Grader?

Remember when Dan Quayle misspelled potatoe (or is that potato?). The media hounded him for weeks. Well, now there's a full-time gaffe machine named Joe Biden, but he's not getting nearly as much ridicule even though it's more than well-deserved. Biden's latest goof was to claim that when the country went into depression in 1929 FDR went on national TV to explain what happened. What's wrong with this scenario? Two things: Herbert Hoover was president and TV wasn't around yet. Tyler Kent commenting on an L.A. Times on-line article about the episode made an interesting point:
"The trouble with Biden's remark about FDR is simply this: He did not 'goof.' He did not simply mix up his facts. It was not a slip of the tongue, or an error. It was not a case of a faulty memory. It was, in fact, a pure fabrication. Biden simply made up the entire story!!! FDR was not president when the stock market crashed, and there were no televisions. Fact is, he made up a lie in order to give emphasis to what he thought was terrific rhetoric. The trouble here is that a candidate for vice president was quite willing to tell a lie on national television, all in the vain hope that he would look good. Biden is simply a liar whose future discourse cannot be trusted."
In view of Biden's making up Catholic doctine on Meet the Press, Tyler's point is well taken. Is Biden just dumb or is he a liar? Whichever is the correct assessment, he better stay off the popular quiz show. He's probably not as smart as a fifth grader and maybe not as honest either.

1 comment:

  1. honestly, if he is making up catholic doctrine, its likely to suit his own needs. if he is lying about the church, and what the church teaches, he should be excommunicated if he doesn't retract what he says about it. the fact that he is catholic, and is on a ticket with a pro abortionist is a grave sin. its mortal sin. he is on the road to hell, and if he doesn't do something about it before he dies, he might meet satan at the gates of hell. catholics need to seriously consider not voting for the democratic ticket. if they do so willingly, and knowingly, they are shunning Holy Mother Church, and shunning God. they are putting themselves on the road to hell. and in so doing, they risk their salvation. that is far more important than voting for what they think is right when in fact it is not. God comes first, not man. vote for this ticket knowingly and willingly, you put yourself on the road to hell.
    once you go to hell, there is no escape from it. that is something worth thinking about at any point in your life. biden has leprosy of the soul, and unless he does something to clean it up before he dies, well, his judgement is upon him. and i would not want to be in his shoes. no way.
