Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Liberal Charity: Is that an Oxymoron?

I love liberals; they care so much. You can tell by their generosity. The homeless, the downtrodden are always on their minds. Take Al Gore. In 1992 he gave $1727 of his almost $200,000 salary to charity, less than 1%. But his friends tell us, he gives of himself. Wow, what an edifying thought. Al Gore serving soup to the homeless while MSNBC takes his picture.

And now comes Joe Biden. Joe's concern for the poor is absolutely mind-boggling. Since 1998 he's given a quarter of one percent of his income to charity. Of course, you have to consider that poor Joe has a lot of expenses: kids to put through college and aging parents. You know, the kind of challenges average Americans never face.

And speaking of the average American, he gives two percent of his income to charity, twice as much as Gore and ten times as much as Biden. But Gore and Biden no doubt care more than the average Joe. And they will happily make sure Americans are taxed more so they can put taxpayer dollars in the pockets of illegal aliens, the homeless, Planned Parenthood, and the administrators of homeless shelters and other charitable programs.

Yes, indeed, I love liberals; they are always good for a laugh.

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