Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Marriage California Style: Brides and Grooms may not apply

If anyone wonders why California has so many natural disasters he only has to look at the latest lunacy on the left coast. Couples who register for marriage fill out a politically correct form identifying "Party A" and "Party B" as the loving couple to be wed. California is just being sensitive to its citizens, and inclusive right? Well, not exactly. Some citizens (i.e. homosexuals) are more equal than others. Every applicant for a marriage license must fit into the same-sex friendly cookie-cutter enforced by little brown-shirted clerks.

Here's the evidence. World Net Daily reports today on a pastor, Doug Bird of Abundant Life Fellowship in Rosedale, who said he had a marriage license returned with the application refused. Why? because the couple crossed out the terms "Party A" and "Party B" replacing them with "bride" and "groom." The County Recorder's office rejected the form and called it an "unacceptable alteration" that "does not comply with California State registration laws." No brides and grooms allowed in the state of California. It might offend Tom and Dick.

The state of California has thrown down the gauntlet. It's time for the Catholic Church in California to remove itself as an agent of the state with regard to marriage. The state doesn't register baptisms or first Communions or Confirmations. If the state doesn't recognize traditional marriage, it's time to remove it from the sacrament of marriage as well. Let Catholics marry in the Church before their priest-witnesses and to hell (which is where this originated) with registering with the state. California and other states recognizing same-sex unions don't have a clue about the true nature of marriage. The Church needs to reject the illegitimate power of the state as strongly as possible. When same-sex marriage is the law of the land, how can Catholics participate in this evil charade?

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