Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remember the fallen.

9/11 is a memorial day.

It's a day to pray for the innocent who were ruthlessly murdered because of the hatred of a few. If you want to see the face of evil look at the black smoke and flames rising from the burning buildings and clouds of dust and debris filling the streets as the towers collapsed. Pray for the victims.

But don't only focus on the destruction. Remember the generosity of the rescuers, many of whom also died that day. Remember those who rushed to hospitals to donate blood, those who hurried to comfort their neighbors touched by disaster, the clergymen who rushed to the site to anoint, to pray, to listen, to comfort, to forgive. Pray for the hero-vicitms like Todd Beamer who didn't just sit on a plane in fear but, with his fellow passengers, prevented a plane from being the bomb that hit a Washington, D.C. target, perhaps the White House or the Capitol.

And pray for those who committed the evil as well: the plotters who organized it and the evil men who carried it out.

Remember, love always overcomes evil, because evil, like dark, is nothing. One match dispels the dark and one act of love defeats all evil.

9/11 didn't overcome America. It demonstrated the goodness in America's people.

America, America,

God mend thine every flaw;

Confirm they soul in self-control

Thy liberty in law.

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