Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Unjust Steward and the Democrats

As I was reflecting on Saul Alinsky today, I recalled the parable of the unjust steward. Jesus praised the shrewdness of a man who was a cheat and a liar and did what he had to do to succeed - sure sounds like a protege of Alinsky to me. In the same parable, Jesus implied that the children of light are naive and easily fooled. Unfortunately, that's often true.

I remember talking to a pro-lifer, a fellow Catholic, after Bill Clinton's first run for office. Clinton had already overturned every pro-life initiative he could through executive orders, and my friend was lamenting his vote. "Oh, Joe, not you too. How could you vote for him?" I asked. "He did everything he said he would do."

My friend replied, "But I thought he was a Christian. He carried his Bible."

Didn't you ever notice," I said, "how palm-readers have statues of Jesus and the Blessed Mother in the window?" Well, that experience woke up one naive Catholic, but there are plenty more out there and that's exactly what the Alinskyites depend on.

Take a look at the move to convince people with traditional moral values that the Democratic party is the Christian party. After the 2004 red state/blue state debacle, liberals vowed not to let that happen again. They decided to neutralize pro-lifers and those who oppose sodomite-rights. How? By positioning themselves as the compassionate ones and repeating the mantra over and over that morality is more than one issue. They claim to care about the poor and homeless, and maybe some of them do; but they care even more about advancing the wider liberal agenda of abortion, homosexuality, and personal licentiousness (whatever form it takes) which they call freedom. Jim Wallis of Sojourners, Robert Edgar of the National Council of Churches, and a long list of fellow travelers all sing the same song advancing a political party that formally embraces sodomy, same-sex "marriage," abortion and infaticide, forced enrollment of children in Godless state schools, promotion of Planned Parenthood and NOW's radical agendas, income redistribution, open borders, amnesty for those who invade the country illegally, control of free speech (think "hate crimes" legislation, FACE, RICO, and bubble zones used to control Christians who oppose abortion and sodomy, etc.) Columnist Joe Sobran definitely had it right when he called the Democrats the "evil party." And at some point those who advance its agenda share the same judgment. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

How, in the name of common sense, can anyone believe that socialistic, big-government solutions are compassionate? But the Alinskyites persuade some - primarily by using Alinsky's tactic of dressing their agenda in moral trappings. Groups like Faith in Public Life and Matthew 25 try to convince voters who care about traditional values to support liberalism. If you look at the groups affiliated with them, many support homosexual rights and abortion, but they don't talk about that part of their agenda. They stress more palatable issues talking about the preferential option for the poor, etc. Since Alinskyites will use any tactic to succeed, these groups may just be able to pull off their charade.

On the other hand, maybe not. Because they leave out the real deal: God. God isn't schizophrenic. If a group endorses "choice" it's not from God. If it defends same-sex marriage, ditto. Certain issues provide the litmus test that show when something is from God or from the pit. Since Faith in Public Life and Matthew 25 include many organizations that champion the murder of the innocent -- they cannot be from God.

So will enough people be fooled to elect Barrack Obama, the most pro-abortion, socialistic candidate in history? Let's hope not. But, like the parable of the unjust steward says, the children of dark are resourceful, which points up the big job in front of us: praying and fasting for leaders who defend the right to life of the innocent and working for the election of those who do the least harm.

As the saying goes, pray like everything depends on God and work like everything depends on you.

Check out this impressive video:

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