Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Get out from under the bed and go to church!

Well, folks, America got what she deserves. After 53 million legal murders of the most innocent in our land, the Lord is going to allow us to be punished big time through our leaders. If Obama has his way we are going to see the following:

A big increase in the number of abortions: You can't reduce a thing by expanding it and FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act) does exactly that. It eliminates laws restricting public funding, eliminates conscience clause protections to health workers, will force hospitals and pharmacies to offer abortifacient drugs, eliminates parental consent and notification laws that protect minors, etc. Does this sound like limiting abortion?

Increased taxes both direct and indirect: Do corporations pay taxes? NO! They pass them on to their consumers. You will see increased prices on everything when the capital gains tax is increased and when companies are punished for success. That will also mean loss of jobs as companies cut back and delay expansion.

And whose going to pay for the "civilian security force" that Obama promised will be as well-funded as the military? This man has never managed anything larger than his Senate staff, for crying out loud. He is talking about the biggest expansion of government programs ever. By the way, will there be a civilian draft forcing participation?

Expect more draconian gun legislation. In Illinois Obama favored criminalizing citizens who used guns to defend their own families and homes. Look for a move toward more gun registration and classification of even low-level arms as assault weapons. If you use a gun to protect yourself expect to be prosecuted unless you're a liberal with lots of well-placed cronies.

Watch the bench. We will get even more insane legal rulings as the democrats stuff the courts at every level with liberal lawyers who love abortion, sodomy, and hate God. The Constitution is a big loser in this election. Obama sees it as a "living document" which means it says whatever he says it means. Be prepared to be the widow nagging the unjust judge; there won't be many just ones in a few years.

Payday is coming. For the average citizen that means higher taxes, more government intrustion, and less justice. For the unborn and their mothers it means more dismemberment, more heartache, and less practical assistance. We don't know yet what will happen to the crisis pregnancy centers. For Planned Parenthood it means higher profits and more government funding to expand the killing.

America has reaped the wind, batten down the hatches for the whirlwind. But don't despair. Remember that all politics is local. Get active working at the local level for godly candidates who respect life and constitutional government. And when bad things happen, pick up your cross and follow in the Lord's bloody footsteps. Suffering is good for the soul and we are likely to get more than enough to go around in the next few years. Don't forget to pray for President-elect Obama. His politics endanger his soul so he needs them.


  1. The republican tax breaks were paid for with borrow money. This artificially lowered the price of risk and creating a bubble prosperity while pushing the cost of the great and glorious Republican tax cuts onto the middle class tax payers. Now due to the artificially skewed and priced economy created by the Republican tax cuts, their uncontrolled spending and huge expansion of government, the economy is in shambles and the middle tax payers are having to pay more taxes and thus the Obama tax cut for the middle class to off set the higher taxes on the wealthy. The wealthy benefited far more than the middle class from the unjust Republican tax structure and should have to pay for the mess they benefited from and the debt created by the Republicans. The collapsing economy is proof that Republican economic values are bankrupt and nothing more than fantasy.
    It took the great and glorious Republican party 12 years (Bush 1 and 2) to destroy the economy and it’s going to take years to work though it and many decades to pay off the debt. This week’s jobs report will mostly likely be the worse in 26 years.

  2. Let's see, Bill Clinton benefitted from the Reagan tax cuts which gave the U.S. a period of tremendous prosperity. The Democratic Congress gave us the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac disaster. And now the Bush tax cuts which benefitted all Americans are about to expire. If everybody's taxes are reduced by ten percent, I suppose one can argue that the wealthy benefit more; if everyone's taxes are increased by ten percent, the wealthy pay more. The top one percent of wealthy Americans already pay almost 40% of the tax burden. The bottom fifth of tax filers pays 0 to .4% (See Ramussen Reports) I'm sick of the class warfare promoted by liberals who give very little to charity, especially the hypocritical politicians with their earmarks and their perks. They are on both sides of the aisle. However, the biggest issue is life and trying to find a pro-life democrat is like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack. Look for pro-aborts in the party of death, however, and you'll be crushed in the crowd. The greatest economic loss to this country is the murder of her future.
