Monday, November 17, 2008

Hmm...Was AB Gregory Behind Msgr. Laughlin's Repudiation of Fr.Newman?

The latest round of publicity on Fr. Newman indicates that Archbishop Wilton Gregory may have been behind Msgr. Laughlin's flipflop on Fr. Newman's letter. Catholic World Report's Diogenes suggested the link in a Sound Off post on Saturday. Catholic News Agency ran an article today elaborating on the story. If you read Msgr. Laughlin's letter on voting published before the election, it's hard to imagine his later response to Fr. Newman -- unless he was acting under obedience to a higher authority.

On the other hand, one can easily believe that such a response could come from Archbishop Gregory, one of the most liberal bishops in the USCCB, who is currently responsible for the Diocese of Charleston which is without a bishop. An archbishop who called the election of a man who champions infanticide a "great step forward for humanity" is clearly blinded by racial bias. He needs to read more Martin Luther King. Dr. King believed an individual should be judged not by the color of his skin, but the quality of his character. Amen. I think both Obama and Gregory fail the test.

Let's hope the rumors Gregory may replace Cardinal Egan in New York are just that -- baseless rumors. Pray instead for the advancement of a black bishop who speaks clearly about the devastating impact of abortion on the black family, Bishop Martin Holley. His statement exposing Planned Parenthood's exploitation of minorites makes him a hero in the pro-life community. Thank you, Bishop Holley.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently, there's a lot of scuttlebutt going on in Atlanta about Ap Gregory's involvement in this sinister work.
