Friday, November 14, 2008

Satanist link in attack on Mt. Hope Church in Lansing

The mainstream national media has completely ignored the invasion by homosexual activists of the Mt. Hope Church in Lansing, MI last Sunday. One alternative paper covered the event painting it in pale pastels, the homosexual thugs just out for a Sunday picnic, not quite the way eyewitnesses saw it according to News Busters. The church posted a press release on the incident on their website. The event was covered by NBC local news in Lansing, but there was no comment about the satanic link as evidenced by their signs. Bill Donohue of the Catholic League commented on the "Nazi" tactics of the group. What's particularly frightening about this violent action by "Bash Back" is that it was apparently a response to passage of Proposition 8 in California. What did Mt. Hope have to do with that? Nothing...but this is war on Christianity. If you dare to stand for Biblical principles watch out. Hold on to your rosaries and pray the St. Michael prayer. We need to demand that church invasions be treated as hate crimes.


  1. The satanic link is a sign? That is it? A sign?

    So, if someone carried a cross the link would have been Christian? A star of David--Jewish?

    In short one yahoo with a sign does not a link make unless you really want to play the victim angle. Satanists believe in law and order and the rights of property. We would not attack a Christian church because we love how they display their bigotry.

    A Satanist wouldn't touch that issue with a ten foot pole. We, Satanists, don't go for public protests, and believe that Christianity is firmly against homosexuality as evidenced by the Christian Bible--so what is there to argue about?

    Why gays demand acceptance by a religion that hates their guts, we don't understand. We welcome gays, but have no issue with Christians being Christian and rejecting them.

    No Satanic link. 'sorry to disappoint.

    Magustra Ygraine
    Church of Satan

  2. Actually, during my 35+ years fighting abortion and the gay agenda I've often faced satanists so the sign simply confirmed my own experience. Of course, I was accepting these individuals' statements about their beliefs, so perhaps they would not fit your definition of a satanist. By the way, I'm adding you to my prayer list and praying my rosary for you today.

  3. Just as Christians are defined by following The Holy Bible, Satanists can only be defined by following The Satanic Bible.

    If, by chance, you are mistaking Satanists for devil worshipers you might be interested to know that they are a version of Christian Heresy--again, believers in the Christian Bible, but opting to side with the bad guy---but the bad guy as per Judeo-Christian dogma. In effect they are your bastard children, not ours.

    Satanists have no interest in publicly protesting any of these issues. The worst thing your ilk can say about us is that we just don't care. It is our own lives and the love we have for ourselves and our friends and family that matters to us---anyone else can sink or swim on their own.

    So, unless you choose to change the definitions of what is a Christian, you don't get the right to change the definition of what is a Satanist--and the fact remains, no Satanist has been linked in bothering that church. A devil-worshiper? Maybe, but then he is one of yours, not ours.


    Please note the blog I write is all about Satanists taking the blame for the works of devil worshipers, who are a creation of Christian clergy coming straight from Christian pews.

  4. Who's changing definitions? Since Satan and the devil are one and the same, and selfishness is the hallmark of Satan, your distinction seems trivial. As for devil-worshippers being Christianity's "bastard children" that makes no sense at all.

    But in a perverse way that makes sense because the hallmark of Satan is confusion and your posts certainly illustrate that.

    God bless you.

  5. Since this is your blog, and it is highly unlikely I will make you see reason, I just want to leave you with responses to these last bits and go on my merry way. After all, it evidently means something deep for you to believe there is some Satanic conspiracy here rather than just garden variety stupidity.

    The definintion of a Christian is one who follows the Holy Bible.

    The definition of a Satanist is one who follows The Satanic Bible.

    The eople who did this thing, the one's you claim a satanic link with do not follow the Satanic Bible and are not Satanists.

    However they could be devil worshipers. Devil worshipers are those who believe in the Holy Bible but feel disenchanted and without what you would call grace. They have not read The Satanic Bible, but accept a Christian view of what Satanism is--hence the bastard children remark. If they had read The Satanic Bible they'd know their actions are against our religion.

    You have not read our Bible, and that is fine. However, it certainly lends to confusion if you are making claims that cannot be substantiated by anything other than your opinion. You are, after all, accusing an entire religious group with nothing more to go on than a poster board sign.

