Saturday, January 24, 2009

Abortion targets the black community

Martin Luther King's niece Alveda witnessed at the White House yesterday to the devastation of abortion on the black community. Blacks represent about twelve percent of the population; black women have about 35% of the abortions. Most Planned Parenthood abortuaries are in the inner city. Doesn't this look like black genocide? Isn't it time somebody asked hard questions -- mainstream media, are you listening?

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Niece Challenges Barack Obama on Abortion


  1. Your argument is disingenuous. This is more a cultural social problem in the black community and not genocide. You are disingenuous as you are obviously more concerned about abortion than actually helping black people. One thing I like about young black women is that you can be really blunt and upfront with them and sometimes that’s all they need to change their lives.

  2. It's also a government problem caused by a welfare system that undermined the black family and drove fathers out of the home. From 1950 85% of black family were raised in two parent homes. Today 70% are born to single moms. Daniel Patrick Moynahan pointed it out years ago to Lyndon Johnson's whose "great society" contributed to the problem. His report was given the silent treatment.

    Now the same destruction of the family is going on in the white community through no-fault divorce and shacking up without benefit of marriage. The same devastating impact of greater poverty, higher violence among young males, more gang activity, etc. is inevitable. The nuclear family is the safest and most secure place for children to grow up in. Our country should be doing everything possible to shore up the family instead of destroying it which seems to be a deliberate policy of the liberal establishment.

    As for my being disingenuous -- you know absolutely nothing about me except from what I write on this blog. Ad hominem attacks are the last bastion of those who have no argument.
