Saturday, January 24, 2009

Breaking News....

Vatican decree lifts excommunication of SSPX bishops


  1. How quaint… we have a German Pope Benedict who is reinstating extreme right wing nuts. These 'Bishops' are fond of the French Far Right, specifically, the neofascist National Front Party.

    They are openly contemptuous of the necessary (and unfinished) changes of Vatican II.

    One of the Bishops, Richard Williamson, in a recent interview stated that he did not believe that Jews died in the Nazi gas chambers. He has also given interviews saying that the United States government staged the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks as a pretext to invade Afghanistan.

    With these warring Bishops now loose, Pope Benedict will continue his campaign against Vatican II and reinstates those who try to white-wash the atrocities of Adolf Hitler.

    This shames us all Catholics and all other believers.

  2. If these bishops are as bad as you say, they will fit right in with all the bad bishops in the Church who denied and covered up the sexual abuse of children.

    Many of them are Vatican II enthusiasts who used its ambiguities to undermine the faith and introduce novelties under the "spirit of Vatican II." So what's your beef? Are only left-wing bishops allowed to do bad things?

    As Rev Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman said, they still stood by the decision to rehabilitate Bishop Williamson and the others.

    "This act regards the lifting of the excommunications, period,' he told reporters. "It has nothing to do with the personal opinions of a person, which are open to criticism, but are not pertinent to this decree."
