Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good for the House Republicans

Not a single Republican in the House voted for the Democrats $819 billion spending extravaganza when it passed yesterday. And eleven democrats joined the good guys. Thanks be to God! Now when the inevitable failure occurs, liberals will take the full blame.

The falsely called "stimulus" package doesn't stimulate anything but liberals' saliva glands. The handouts in the bill are so excessive they offer real hope of waking up the sleeping giant, the middle class who may have been duped into voting for a liberal dressed in a conservative suit, but you can only fool people for so long. Let's hope what's happening also is a wake-up call to Republicans who sold out conservative principles a generation ago. Big-government Republican should be an oxymoron. Let's make is so once again.

I mentioned some of the porky items in the bill in an earlier post. Here are a few more. Ask yourself as you read this list how this spending will create new jobs and contribute to economic recovery. Maybe it's a secret only liberal democrats can understand:

-- $5.2 billion for "neighborhood stablization programs" that will go primarily to groups like ACORN (This is Obama payback time.)

-- $400 million to NASA for climate change research (the Chicken Little payback)

-- $426 million to the Center for Disease Control to construct buildings (That will put a few construction workers on the payroll.)

-- $360 million for new daycare facilities at military bases (Get those moms out of the house and into the taxpaying workforce.)

-- $600 million for the General Services Administration to buy new cars (but they'll be energy efficient)

-- $800 million to clean up Superfund Sites (Payback to the liberal greenies)

Aren't you happy to know that your taxpayer dollars...and your children's...and your grandchildren's...will be going for this good cause. This behemoth spending bill is mortgaging the future. If you think your kids' school loans have put them in hock for too long just think of the impact of all this borrowed money on their earning power. But we are guaranteed one thing out of this - a deeper recession, higher taxes, more unemployment, and hyper-inflation. That's just economic reality.

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