Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is Catholic Charities Catholic? Follow the (government) money!

Fr. Larry Snyder, the head of Catholic Charities USA will serve with the Obama administration's Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. There's no question that Father's decision is good for the administration. They continually play the game that pro-death liberals are really pro-life as they mandate abortion-on-demand for third world nations and plan to promote abortion full speed ahead with no brakes whatsoever here in the U.S. It's 1984's newspeak Love is hate and hate is love; black is white and white is black. Get used to the double-talk, even from men in Roman collars.

While acknowledging there are "disagreements" with the administration, Snyder says there are places where their policies "converge" especially with the "poor and the marginalized." Translation: We'll use your tax dollars to "do charity" like supporting bad loans and facilitating illegal immigration.

Father also claims, “There can be no doubt that Catholic Charities is a firmly pro-life organization." Really?

Excuse my cynicism, but is that the same Catholic Charities that arranged the abortion of a 16-year-old in Richmond, VA not long ago? Is it the same group that took federal funding in my own diocese in the mid 80s for a horrible sex ed program for middle schoolers that used Planned Parenthood materials and speakers who said there was "no problem with masturbation?" Is that the Catholic Charities that in San Francisco joined with "Family Builders" so they could continue adoption services to gays? (Fortunately they did not renew the contract in 2008. One suspects the earlier decision cut into their donations.) And what about the CC employees who support the culture of death? Diogenes from Catholic World News listed a number of them in a 2003 Off the Record article.

Catholic Charities has become an arm of liberal, big-tax-and-spend government. How much CC money goes to lobby for more federal and state funding (not to mention fundraise)? It's no wonder Fr. Snyder accepted the position. CC is already on the government payroll bigtime and we gotta keep the money flow coming. So cozy up to the most pro-abortion, pro-infanticide administration in history. What if it does give Obama and company cover for their evil long as the money tree keeps producing!

For dozens of article on Catholic Charities' unsavory history, visit Catholic Culture. And give your hard-earned money to a real charity, for example the Missionaries of Charity or a local crisis pregnancy center. The phrase "government charity" is an oxymoron.


  1. When did you become a "Born Again" deficit hawk? Did you finally divorce your "borrow and spend" republican family?

    However having done the dig, full speed ahead for abortions is a great tragedy. A study of sex education programs in Texas has shown that any program done poorly results in increased risky sex and pregnancy.

  2. I suppose Turfkiller could be housebroken, but then he wouldn't be so amusing.
    It may have escaped his notice that conservatives are not big fans of anyone's deficits, be they Republican or Democrat. On the other hand, the Democrats don't seem to have met a government spending plan they didn't like and have single handled expanded the national debt by something like 30% when interest is included in just a month. At that rate we'll no doubt be bankrupt by the end of the year especially since in time honored Democratic fashion they are including disincentives for economic expansion. How clever of them!
    It has nothing to do with doing sex education programs poorly -- doing them at all is at least part of the problem. They amount to promiscuity education -- sort of how to have sex and get away with it (most of the time) which is all part of the new immoral morality.

    Republicans are not "borrow and spend" by contrast with Democrats. But they do borrow and spend too much also, Democrats just do more of it. In both cases it is irresponsible. Welcome to runaway government.
