Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More Obama Change - Culture of Death at the Justice Department

Pro-lifers warned about the impact on the Supreme Court of an Obama presidency, but the impact on the courts will be much broader than that. Democrats are experts at entrenching. The pro-death nominees at Justice will hire people at all management levels who support the pro-death/pro-gay agenda. This will affect all Amicus briefs filed by the government - officially promoting the culture of death. We're not just talking abortion here but euthanasia, assisted suicide, embyronic cannibalism, cloning, LBGT "civil rights," etc. It would be hard to imagine a blacker scenario for the legal justice system in this country.

Unfortunately, most folks just don't get it. When I see the comments of young people on Facebook and how they flock to promote the politically correct positions of the day, I cringe. The education system has given us a dumbed down population who can't read to the end of the paragraph and draw a logical conclusion.

And when I think that this administration was given to us by Catholics it reminds me of the Israelites who, because of their infidelity, got a 40 year journey in the desert for a trip that should only have taken a few weeks. So we may be in for aome serious desert time. Real Catholics (vs. the pick and choose cafeteria type who don't see any problems) need to make acts of atonement. The daily rosary is a good place to start. We are definitely in serious trouble. But remember that 10% of Catholics praying the rosary in Austria in 1955 led to the Russians pulling out their troops without a shot fired. It's the only time in history it ever happened.

Justice Department nominees signal ‘Culture of Death’ policies, critic says

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