Friday, February 6, 2009

Obama Supports Funding UNFPA Insanity: Breakdown of Family is Triumph of "Human Rights" over "Patriarchy"

Obama's executive order rescinding the Mexico City policy to restore tax dollars to kill babies oversees is just the tip of the iceberg for international killing. The same day he signed the order (only one day after several hundred thousand Marched for Life in Washington) he said, "I look forward to working with Congress to restore US financial support for the UN Population Fund. By resuming funding to UNFPA, the US will be joining 180 other donor nations working collaboratively to reduce poverty, improve the health of women and children, prevent HIV/AIDS and provide family planning assistance to women in 154 countries." This is the big lie, the
shrewd rhetoric of a man running pell-mell at the head of the death peddlars.

They,of course, enthusiastically endorse him. Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, UNFPA's Executive Director gushed over “how quickly he has addressed this issue. His actions send a strong message about his leadership and his desire to support causes that will promote peace and dignity, equality for women and girls, and economic development in the poorest regions of the world. And, access to reproductive health is at the core of all of these issues." Horsehockey! Abortion and abortifacient birth control are the poisoned apple, rotten to the core, that UNFPA supports. The U.N. elitists are dedicated to an anti-family agenda of population reduction for the undesirables of the third world and institution of one-world atheistic government.

At a meeting in Mexico in January, UNFPA representative Arie Hoekman celebrated the breakdown of the traditional family through divorce and out-of-wedlock births calling it the triumph of "human rights" over "patriarchy."

He said, "In crisis? More than a crisis, we are in the presence of a weakening of the patriarchal structure, as a result of the disappearance of the economic base that sustains it and because of the rise of new values centered in the recognition of fundamental human rights." And what "fundamental human rights" are those? Keep in mind that the U.N. uses definitions in documents that don't necessarily mean what the average person with a dictionary thinks. "Reproductive rights" is codespeak for abortion, contraception, and godless sex education. "Human rights" is codespeak for homosexual rights.

The U.N. desires: the breakdown of the family, worldwide abortion/contraception, the homosexual agenda, population reduction, green policies first even when they destabalize the economy and hurt people, children's "rights" that destroy parental authority, etc. Read C.S. Lewis' That Hideous Strength. If the U.N. wasn't the model for his evil bureaucracy, it sure could have been.

Here are some links that expose the evil agenda of the U.N.

United Nations Population Fund Leader Says Family Breakdown is a Triumph for Human Rights

U.N. Complicit in Forced Sterilizations

UNFPA: A Runaway Agency

UNFPA and its U.S. Allies Use Catholic Church in Funding Dispute; Kenyan Bishop Outraged

UNFPA Report Says Catholic Dissidents Can Help Advance 'Reproductive Rights'

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