Saturday, February 28, 2009

X-Rated Catholic Campuses -- Run by Jesuits (No Surprise)

One has to wonder about the sexual orientation of many Jesuits in view of the horrible scandals on their campuses. Most of the Catholic schools featuring the V-Monologues this year were Jesuit. They included USF, Santa Clara, Georgetown, Seattle U., Holy Cross, Fairfield, Fordham, John Carroll, and Loyola of Chicago.

And now, as Lent begins, we have three more examples of Jesuit lust and perversion exploiting students. Georgetown, Loyola of Chicago, and Seattle University have given the penitential season new meaning. Instead of the traditional time of repentence, these campuses will fill the weeks of Lent with talks by porn writers and directors, a "Color of Queer Film Series," and gender-bending activities including interpreting Biblical heroes and heroines as transgendered. Read more...

It's all so relentlessly predictable and evil. But will we hear anything from the local prelates whose dioceses are polluted by these so-called institutions of higher learning? Don't hold your breath. Unlike Bishop Martino who addressed the scandal at Misericordia where a gay activist was invited to speak and has urged disbanding of the "diversity institute," most bishops act like the three monkeys covering their eyes, ears, and mouths so they won't have to do anything. Perhaps they are just imitating the monkeys at these institutions who pass for college presidents. Pray for bishops who let the monkeys rampage among the sheep. I suspect it's part of the "diversity" plan to transform the sheep into goats. The monkeys in the president's offices and the monkeys in the chanceries seem to be doing a pretty good job on that score. Unfortunately, it's one they will have to answer for on judgment day.

P.S. I apologize to the two good Jesuits I know for the evil antics of their bastard brethren. Please excuse the coarse language, but these men certainly can't be authentic sons of St. Ignatius.


  1. Cardinal Newman Society reported March 5th that Santa Clara University cancelled the performance of the Vagina Monologues. Thanks to President Fr. Michael Engh.


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  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. If the evil servant shall say in his heart,"My lord delays his coming and shall begin to smite his fellowservants and to eat and drink with the drunkards the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he is not looking for him and a hour that he is not aware of and shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. Matt. 24:48-51.
    Neil Cadman

  5. Only now saw this post..
    as a Fairfield alum, I value my Jesuit education more than anything. The Jesuit philosophies of education encourage questioning, tolerance and study of "the magis," or the more. One can only be a well rounded and enlightened individual after experiencing and learning about all different types of people.
    Intolerance towards homosexuals and oppressing and repressing women's bodies only indicate ignorance.
    Did you know A requirement of all V-Day Benefit Productions is to have a beneficiary that helps prevent violence against women and girls? In fact, Fairfield's beneficiary was the Helena Ptochia Foundation, an Adirondack based non-profit that funds a hospital run by nuns in Ghana for women with fistula.

    Of course, I am sure this post would not have been written without all the facts, right? Perhaps you have seen or read the play? Perhaps you knew the ultimate altruism at the root of this project?
    With 2010 V-Day approaching, I can only hope this blog does not post such unjustified, inflammatory remarks again.

  6. I know all about The V-Monologues and, yes, I've read a good many of them. Since they vary from production to production no one ever knows exactly what combination is being performed. The original play had a lesbian rape of a minor who'd previously been raped, if I recall correctly, by her father. So the "cure" is a second lesbian rape? How do you fight violence against women with violence against little girls?

    The outcry led Ensler to change the monologue to a seduction of an older teenager, but the play is nothing but the glorification of lesbianism.

    As for "altruism," that's a great game to play, but it isn't convincing. And how exactly the audience chanting four-letter words for private body parts is liberating and teaches women to understand their bodies is beyond me. It reminds me of my children when they were babies taking off their diapers and playing in the feces.

    Your arguing in favor of this lewd play is a perfect demonstration of the Jesuit education you value so highly. Some things are intolerable and if you can't recognize it, your critical thinking skills are sadly lacking.
