Saturday, March 21, 2009

An Aborted Baby is a Terrible Thing to Waste

A headline from Catholic Culture caught my eye a few days ago.

British scientist suggests using aborted babies as source of organ transplants.

Hey! They're going to die let's recycle their organs. In fact, why not pay women to carry the baby as long as possible so the organs will be larger?

Let's think outside the box. Once you convince yourself that killing the kid is okay all kinds of possibilities open up. For one, poor women can make pregnancy and abortion big business and improve their economic situation by contracting with firms that buy organs. But why limit the business to babies? Terri Schiavo and Eluana Englaro were in relatively good shape despite their brain damage. Why shrivel up those perfectly good hearts and livers and lungs by dehydration. Since they're going to die anyway, knock 'em out and cut em up. Then transplant those organs into somebody whose life is worth living. Even the skin on the old folks can be used for grafts. (Unless there's a problem with putting old skin on new winedrinkers. Can they burst the skins?)

No doubt President Obama will happily throw some stimulus money into this modest proposal -- it offers such hope for saving lives.


  1. You are sick absolutely sick. What makes you think that any life is not worth living. Is your life worth living. I bet that you are very glad that your mother didn't come across this website while she was carrying you she could have earned a couple of extra bucks. How can you sleep at night are you that selfish that you value your life and your life alone that you don't care about other lives, especially a little helpless babys. Well God has a plan for every life even yours. Im so sorry that satan has blinded you so your doing his work advertising murder and being so snide and arrogent about a precious life. I pray that God gets to you and unblinds you because you deserve to know the terrible things that you are advertising.

  2. Thank you for your zeal for human life at every stage from conception to natural death. If you look at other posts on this blog, you'll see that what I was writing here was satire.

    I'm an abortion mill rescuer and spent a total of a month in jail from three court cases. I also fought to save the lives of Terri and Eluana. Everything I said here is the opposite of what I have stood for my entire adult life. I was trying to illustrate the evil thinking that has pervaded our culture.

    You are absolutely right; there is no life that is not worth living. Let's pray that we can convince others of this God-given truth.
