Monday, March 30, 2009

Never Try to Confuse a Liberal with the Facts!

Pope Benedict has been taking hits from the liberal press for daring to say that condoms aggravate the AIDS crisis in Africa. An AP story included the usual suspects claiming the pope is out of touch and worse. Rebecca Hodes of the Treatment Action Campaign in South Africa siad the pope's "opposition to condoms conveys that religious dogma is more important to him than the lives of Africans." But its Hodes and her ilk who are willing to sacrifice the lives of Africans for their liberal agenda. Planned Parenthood calls the pope's position "scary" as they continue to push condoms, abortion, the pill, etc. which do nothing but increase the suffering of third world families.

Dr. Edward C. Green, director of the AIDS Prevention Center at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies in a recent interview with National Review online said that, “The best evidence we have supports the Pope’s comments." Green is also now a target of the liberal establishment.

According to an article on EWTN's website, Dr. Green has a book which will be released in a few months called AIDS and Ideology It "will describe the industry in Africa that is 'drawing billions of dollars a year promoting condoms, testing, drugs, and treatment of AIDS' and is clearly resistant to the idea that behavioral change is the solution." Follow the money. Isn't it self-evident, however, that those who practice chastity before marriage and fidelity afterwards have no worry from AIDS? But there's no money in morality. And for many liberal ideologues that's what it's all about in addition to doing whatever they please regardless of consequences.

So never try to confuse a liberal with facts. They've already made up their minds based on their own personal virtual reality. They have a right to their own "truth" based on their libido and don't care whether it accords with absolute truth.

Harvard Researcher Agrees with Pope on Condoms in Africa

"Condoms make Aids crisis worse"

The head of Harvard's Aids Prevention Centre says condom use does not lower HIV infection rates


  1. To properly understand liberals you have to realize that they think they are the only ones who really understand how the world works. The rest of us, from their perspective, are benighted idiots. They are an elitest brood if ever there was one.

    By virtue of their superiority it is simply the mantle of destiny that they should rule the universe and such lessor creatures as ourselves need to receive their kindly (deadly more likely) ministrations. Save me from the enlightened. They all have a whiff of sulfer about them and the sizzle of eternal fire. Reminds me of those cartoons with all the little red devils with pitchforks having a grand ole time sizzling liberals. Dante had them located about right.

  2. Continued appreciation for your site generally, but particularly for the moving recent pieces on matrimony & confession. Meantime, posted you the below privately, which you might wish to use & comment upon, but your private email has not been functiuoning since the weekend.

    In any event, please observe the very restrained remarks, & compare them to the hysteria that any deviation from the Empire's worship of latex provokes.

    Following His Holiness's remarks is a slightly altered piece about Hillary Clinton's visit - really - to the shrine of Guadalupe last week, which I also suspect you & your readers will find of interest.

    "Holiness, among the many evils that afflict Africa, in particular is the spread of AIDS. The position of the Catholic Church on the way to fight against it is often considered unrealistic and ineffective. Will you address this subject during your trip?"

    Here is the Holy Father's complete answer:

    "I would say the contrary. I think that the most efficient reality, the most present at the front of the struggle against AIDS, is precisely the Catholic Church, with her movements, with her various organizations. I am thinking of the Sant'Egidio community that does so much, visibly and also invisibly, for the struggle against AIDS, of the Camilliani, of all the sisters who are at the disposition of the sick.

    "I would say that this problem of AIDS can't be overcome only with publicity slogans. If there is not the soul, if the Africans are not
    helped, the scourge can't be resolved with the distribution of condoms: on the contrary, there is a risk of increasing the problem. The solution can only be found in a double commitment: first, a humanization of sexuality, that is, a spiritual and human renewal that brings with it a new way of
    behaving with one another; and second, a true friendship, also and above all for those who suffer, the willingness -- even with sacrifice and self-denial -- to be with the suffering. And these are the factors that help and that lead to visible progress.

    "Because of this, I would say that this, our double effort to renew man interiorly, to give spiritual and human strength for correct behavior with regard to one's body and that of another, and this capacity to suffer with those who suffer, to remain present in situations of trial. It seems to me
    that this is the correct answer, and the Church does this and thus offers a very great and important contribution. We thank all those who do this."

    Secretary of State Clinton at Guadalupe - 'Who painted it?'

    During her recent visit to Mexico, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made an unexpected stop at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and left a bouquet of white flowers “on behalf of the American people.”

    Mrs. Clinton was received on Thursday at 8:15 a.m. by the rector of the Basilica, Msgr. Diego Monroy.

    Msgr. Monroy took Mrs. Clinton to the famous image of Our Lady of
    Guadalupe, which had been previously lowered from its usual altar for the occasion.

    After observing it for a while, Mrs. Clinton asked “who painted it?”

    "Nobody you'd know," the Monsignor responded.

    This evening Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to receive the highest award given by Planned Parenthood Federation of America -- the Margaret Sanger Award, named for the organization's founder, a noted eugenicist. The award will be presented at a gala event in Houston, Texas.

    The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was miraculously imprinted by Mary on the tilma, or cloak, of St. Juan Diego in 1531. The image has numerous unexplainable phenomena, such as the appearance on Mary’s eyes of those present in the room when the tilma was opened and the image’s lack of decay.

    Actually, the Monsignor told her God had painted it.

