Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Open Letter to Senator Sam Brownback

Dear Senator Brownback,

Please say it isn't so -- that you haven't put political expediency above your Catholic faith and above the interests of the little unborn children. I could have cried when I saw your endorsement of Governor Sebelius, arguably one of the most pro-abortion women in the country. Your action reminds me of Rick Santorum's endorsement for Arlen Specter. Does any politician have rock-solid principles? Do you all stand on the sand of political expediency?

When I saw in your biography that you had been named a "Wilberforce Republican" I couldn't help but think what that indefatigable reformer would say to you. Would he have abandoned the welfare of the slaves to endorse a proponent of slavery? Your opposition to the Sebelius nomination could make a big difference on your colleagues who will be exercising their role to advise and consent. But you have abandoned the least of God's little ones to endorse a champion of their murder. If you are unfamiliar with her agenda I urge you to see my blog post, Phony Catholics Shill for Obama HHS Pick. Sadly, I now have to add you to the list. But I won't do it without sorrow and a promise to offer my daily Masses and rosaries during Lent for you.

As an active Republican (secretary of my local women's club) and even more active Catholic, I pray that you will reconsider your endorsement of Governor Sebelius.


Mary Ann Kreitzer



  1. Please Mary Anne, how is it that we can so quickly forget our friends? Senator Brownback has a 100% lifetime voting record from the National Right to Life. The movement can't afford to lose one of its most ardent advocates because of this. HHS is a non legislative post. In it, Sebelius can't sponsor legislation, can't vote for legislation. IF she stays in Kansas, she has a good shot at becoming a Senator. And she can do a whole lot more damage as a Senator than as a member of the Cabinet. Having her at HHS saves unborn lives, make no mistake about it.

  2. I appreciate your comment and perhaps I'm too naive about political realities, but I can never help responding as though the babies who died were my own. That's how I ended up in jail for defending the little ones. Sibelius is an accomplice in their murders. How can her appointment to anything not be resisted and condemned?

    And how is it that our friends can forget us -- or more importantly the little ones in the womb? Every pro-lifer should be fighting Obama's monstrous abortion agenda at every opportunity. Every pro-abortion appointment calls for a political fight and exposure.

    Sibelius not only supports the murder of the unborn but protects filthy chop-shops that kill women as well. How is she fit to overesee anyone's "health?"

    Brownback had a chance to mount the bully pulpit to expose her. To congratulate her gives her cover and his silence on abortion implies consent. His mild words can easily give the American people the impression that she's a good choice and he agrees with it.
    I don't believe selling out unborn children can ever be the correct strategy regardless of your motives. Santorum did it when he supported Arlen Specter and he was wrong.

    As for National Right to Life - they've been a sell-out organization for years, refusing to address abortifacient birth control, etc. so I'm not particularly impressed by their ratings.

    Maybe I'm just too simple and naive, but I can't imagine Jesus congratulating Sibelius on her appointment. Are there no principles so fundamental they should always be defended?
