Monday, March 2, 2009

Phony Catholics Shill for Obama HHS Pick

Well, they're at it again. No matter what name they choose (Call to Action, Voice of the Faithful, Catholics United, or Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good ) the phony Catholics are known by their actions. The latest abomination is their support for Kathleen Sebelius, Obama's pick to head Health and Human Services. Sebelius is well known to pro-lifers for supporting notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller. Some of her other abortion credentials have been released by pro-life groups.

The Family Research Council: "While a state representative, Mrs. Sebelius fought continually against parental notification, abortion waiting periods, and informed consent. As governor she twice vetoed abortion clinic regulation legislation and also a bill seeking to curb late-term abortions."

Traditional Values Coalition: "Sebelius has stated that she’s worked to keep abortions rare and safe, but this is false. She has done everything in her power to protect the notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller and Planned Parenthood from prosecution for felony crimes! In 2007, she vetoed a bill requiring explicit medical reasons for a late abortion, vetoed legislation that would have saved the lives of babies who were victims of botched abortions, and she vetoed other pro-life legislation in 2006, 2005 and 2003."

Liberty Counsel: "While receiving large contributions from Tiller, in 2003 Sebelius vetoed legislation designed to regulate the health and safety of abortion clinics, including Tiller's. The filthy abortion clinics continued to operate until 2005, when the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts revoked the medical license of Krishna Rajanna, a Kansas City abortionist who ran a rat-infested abortion mill.
"Sebelius was vehemently opposed to then-Attorney General Phil Kline and handpicked Paul Morrison to run against him. Morrison promised to cease investigations into the abortion clinics and received soft campaign contributions from Tiller. Morrison had to later resign, when a sex and abortion corruption scandal became public." Read more...

But despite Sebelius' record of evil, Catholics United claims she reduced abortion while she enabled it (just like Obama). Among the 26 "Catholic" leaders signing the letter of support for the pro-abortion governor are Doug Kmiec (by now well-known for his betrayal of the unborn during the 2008 presidential campaign), Delores Leckey, (former head of the Catholic bishops Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth, a 20-year employee - any wonder the USCCB is so bad?), Fr. Thomas Reese (Jesuit and former editor of America Magazine forced to resign by the Vatican), and many others. Everyone on the list should be denied Communion under Canon Law 915.

Stephanie Block has exposed a number of these "Catholic" dissenters for what they are. To read her analyses check out the links below. And please tell your senators a late-term abortion ennabler is wrong for HHS.

Dissenting Catholics hookup with Obama team

'We're not dissenting Catholics'

Abortion Crusades

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