Monday, April 6, 2009

Another Catholic College; Another Horrendous Commencement Speaker!

This time at St. Joseph's in Philadelphia. Pro-abortion media cutie Chris Matthews (of Obama sends a shiver up my leg fame) is scheduled to fulminate at St. Joe's May 16th graduation. The pro-abortion commentator is well-known in pro-life circles for calling those who oppose abortion terrorists.

LifeSiteNews reported on the coming event writing, "Referring to the Senate confirmation of Kathleen Sebelius, President Obama's radically pro-abortion pick to head the Dept. of Health and Human Services, Matthews asked Lois Romano of the Washington Post, 'Is she gonna get through the terrorism of the anti-abortion people?' Matthews went on to complain about the possibility that Sebelius' connections to notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller could slow up the Senate proceedings."

Are we surprised that a Jesuit university would invite a pro-abortion speaker who labels pro-lifers (Doesn't that include ALL Catholics?) terrorists? That puts him squarely in the camp of government officials who consider anyone who supports Ron Paul, any third-party candidate, or has a pro-life bumper sticker on his car a potential militia member and possible terrorist. The real domestic terrorists are those who are using the powers of government to overthrow the freedoms guaranteed and hard-won by the Founding Fathers.

If you want a chilling thrill up your spine (or your leg) read this Fox article describing the "fusion centers" being established around the country by the Department of Homeland Security. Being labeled a terrorist for opposing abortion or increased taxes or for carrying too much money when you travel is no joke and Matthews is one of those tossing around the dangerous rhetoric that makes me and other pro-life activists de facto "terrorists" no matter how innocent.

That St. Joseph's would invite this loose cannon to scandalize their graduates is not only pathetic, but sinful. I've provided contact information below if you have the time and energy to engage in ANOTHER battle for the truth with those who should be raising up the kingdom of God, not destroying it.

Pray for a cleansing of the Jesuit order or, failing that, its demise. When the shepherds become wolves the sheep are, indeed, headed for the slaughter.

St. Joseph's University:
Timothy R. Lannon, S.J.
Office of the President
Saint Joseph's University
5600 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131-1395
University operator: 610-660-1000

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