Saturday, April 4, 2009

What's in your wrinkle cream?

I received the following email from an internet acquaintance and thought it was worth sharing. These days you need to know what's in your cosmetics. The ugly truth is that cosmetic firms have been using aborted babies in their beauty products for years. Just think -- you too can have skin like a newborn. They just don't tell you that an unborn baby was killed to do it.

Discovering the "Power" of PSP Proteins


Dear Friends,

I attended a fundraiser for a Catholic elementary school in D.C. this weekend. My children attended this school and I was happy to support it by buying raffle tickets and by bidding on auction items. I went home with a number of prizes that I was excited to receive. One of those prizes was a collection of skin care products that were donated by a VA plastic surgeon.

My “over 50” wrinkles are evident and well earned, and I relished the idea of having a supply of expensive miracle creams at my free disposal. I sat down yesterday and read some of the accompanying literature and was wowed with the dramatic results documented in clinical trials. The “power of psp proteins” would turn back the clock and my face would be desirably smoother and younger looking in 60 days. But something in me sank when I read that “psp” contained protein from skin cells and that I would indeed need to dispose of my “prize”. It’s “power” has a dark side.

I read feverishly looking for evidence it was plant or animal based protein used in the lotions. I can live with rat protein being used for products, but something in my heart told me this was not from any animal, but from a baby. The worst of my fears proved true, for after googling the cited studies and getting a lot of scientific protein data that curdled my blood, I found right in the product’s basic brochure that “a dedicated cell bank was established for developing new skin treatments using a single donation of fetal tissue.” Further evidence surfaced that a 14 week old fetus was “skinned” for purposes of setting up this cell line. The mother had signed a permission form. I wonder if she knew what she was doing or that years later her baby’s protein would be continually replicated for such use. I wonder if any women who is about to have an abortion is capable of truly informed consent.

That flooded me with the memory that I too had signed a permission form when I aborted my precious child 24 years ago. Had I not known my baby died at less than 8 weeks, I would have wondered had this skin had come from him. I remember being in a daze when I signed that form, being told that good would come from my abortion, that it wasn’t a “baby” and was “just a clump of cells”, not really differentiated into a child yet. I was evidently distressed. The argument was likened to donating organs after death; let something good come from this sad event. I’ve heard this argument before and from lofty places. Doesn’t God make good come even from our sins? Shouldn’t we do the same and allow this for the good? (This cell line is also used in treating burn victims with apparent success.) The problem is we are not God. By condoning such action we are allowing an intrinsically evil event to be propagated and used for our own benefit, a kind of cannibalism of our unborn. It is a twisted idea of making something good come from something that is evil. It is still wrong.

How emboldened the purveyors of death have become that they proudly print right on the brochures that their “unparalleled innovation” is the result of “donation” of fetal tissue. I can only hope that this is an isolated product that will be exposed for what it is and rejected by the public. But I fear that will not be the case. Even I, who now know the truth of the “power of psp protein” and the personal wounding of abortion, am still tempted to use this line of beautifully packaged products with wonderfully demonstrated results, but I won’t. I already caved on my principles 24 years ago with devastating results and, by the grace of God, I will not do that again.

(I hesitate to name the products for fear of giving it publicity, but for those who would like to expose the “lie” of this “new skin”, look up Neocutis Inc., San Francisco, CA and at

Nancy Tanner


  1. This is just too horrible!

  2. Hi, I bought this skin cream last night. :( When I heard the words 'human growth factor' out of the esthetician's mouth, I wondered, 'could this be what I think it is??' So of course being a pushover I bought it. I got home and investigated the product after reading the brochure at every stoplight on the way home. Then I messaged a friend who sent me this blog and the product was returned today, unopened. I hope this is exposed more, everyone should know. The lady tried to tell my husband that 'this is not what you think it is'. Oh really? Then what is it? :( Thank you for sharing this.
