Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Activity at Notre Dame heats up!

Notre Dame is becoming ground zero in the battle between Catholicism and secularism in this country.

Notre Dame Response, the student group organizing against Obama's presence, will have a demonstration on commencement day from 10 AM to 4 PM and invites others to attend. They are also calling for a million rosaries for President Obama before commencement. Support their efforts!

Meanwhile, the Center for Bioethical Reform is driving truth trucks and conducting flyovers with huge photos of aborted babies. Their campaign to inform Notre Dame students and the community of South Bend is serious. A portion of their press release reads:
In response to the decision by the University of Notre Dame to honor Barack
Obama, America’s first infanticide-supporting president, with an honorary degree and an invitation to deliver their 2009 commencement address, The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) will immediately begin displaying large abortion photos on the sides and backs of a fleet of billboard trucks which will operate in the South Bend area between now and the conclusion of graduation ceremonies. The signs link Mr. Obama to his obsessively pro-abortion policies.
CBR will also display large, hand-held signs, which will graphically emphasize the same linkage along all routes leading to the school. Because the pro-life community at Notre Dame has relentlessly covered-up the horror of abortion, CBR has decided to fly enormous, aerial billboards over the campus. If the Secret Service and the Federal Aviation Administration impose Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) for a longer period than is typical for a presidential appearance, or which restrict more airspace than is typical for a presidential appearance, CBR will also fly its aircraft at Notre Dame during the fall semester, 2009, during an aerial campaign which will last far longer than is typical for a presidential appearance.

Support CBR with a donation.

Sixty-two American bishops have now spoken out against Notre Dame's decision to invite President Obama to commencement and confer an honorary Doctor of Law degree. The Cardinal Newman Society has gathered over 350,000 names on a petition calling on Notre Dame to "halt this travesty." .

The storm at Notre Dame is a direct clash between the culture of life and the culture of death. Take action by
1) Contacting Fr. Jenkins: Call him at 574.631.5000, fax him at 574.631.2770, write a personal email, or mail your letter to 400 Main Building, Notre Dame, IN 46556,
2) Signing the petition
3) Supporting the groups that are rallying to expose the horror of what President Obama stands for.

My own personal question for Fr. Jenkins: "How many babies aborted during this administration would be Notre Dame applicants in 2027 and beyond?" For a college president to give a platform to a man dedicated to killing future students at Notre Dame and elsewhere is both evil and insane.

1 comment:

  1. But isn't it in President Obama's interest to let the Catholic Church tear itself apart?

    Mr. John Heuertz, O.P.
    Kansas City
