Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bishop D'Arcy's surprise attendance at ND Response Alternate Commencement

Bishop D'Arcy Joins Notre Dame Prayer Protest

The two faces of Notre Dame's commencement:
Betrayal and Fidelity
(Thanks to Brian for the photos.)

"While the millstone of Notre Dame is placed around President Obortion's neck and 12,000 at Notre Dame stand giving a thunderous ovation, all heaven stood to honor an 80 year old priest as he received heaven's high honor for peacefully taking a stand for life and the plight of the unborn. You can see the video of Father Norman Weslin's arrest here."


  1. I do not see how getting arrested is a honor to heaven. Jesus was unfairly arrested on order of the Pharisees, but any person who decides to trespass on private property is actually committing a sin, according to my pastor.
    The pharisees control Notre Dame and have for 30 years. Any catholic who sends their kid there is supporting the synagogue of satan.

  2. It appears one link here, defender of the Magisterium is a pope bashing site. Anyone who bashes the Novus ordo Mass is wolf in sheep clothing. Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy.

  3. Thanks for the alert. When we posted the link, it did not have that problem. We will be removing it from our site.
