Friday, May 1, 2009

Celebrate St. Joseph the Worker Today

Pope Pius XII established the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker in 1955 in opposition to the Communist "May Day," although the tradition of honoring St. Joseph as a carpenter is ancient.

Interestingly, in the U.S. in the late 1800s, there was a movement to make May 1st the labor holiday which it is in many other countries of the world. The Knights of Labor, a fraternal organization that included women and blacks, resisted and September was selected instead to separate respect for labor from the views of the radical left. In 1958 President Eisenhower declared May 1st Loyalty and Law Day.

As you go about your work today thank God for the grace of living in a country where you can keep the fruits of your labor and share them with others. A big thank you to small businesses that are the backbone of our workforce. A particular thanks to local family farmers who are among the hardest workers in the nation and an endangered species.

Encourage your children in their entrepreneurial pursuits whether they are setting up a lemonade stand, opening a backyard rock museum, raising a goat to show at the County Fair, or building park benches for an Eagle Scout project. Reflect on the dignity of work which began in the Garden of Eden when God made Adam its overseer.

I expect to have a garden to work on in Purgatory and Heaven. The one in Heaven will have no thorns or gnats, the temperature will always be mild, the ground soft, and every flower and vegetable worthy of the King.


  1. Observe Law Day by enforcing these statutes:

    United States Code, Title 18, 2441: War Crimes
    United States Code, Title 18, 2340A: Torture


  2. Mike Licht's mommyMay 1, 2009 at 4:40 PM

    Mikey Mikey. Such a devil you are. Haven't I always warned you about putting your head into the toilet bowl? Now just look at yourself. How are you ever going to see with clear vision when you have to peer around that big lumb of brown stuff on your nose? Now shoo! Before someone throws holy water on you.

  3. Wow! Christianity is the equivalent of a toilet bowl full of s**t. Spoken like a tolerant, compassionate liberal! Don't worry, Mommy, Christians don't believe in forced baptism. We'll wait until you ask for the holy water and pray for you in the meantime. Someday you may even appreciate it.

  4. I remain unconvinced that any of the wimpy things that the U.S. does to prisoners adds up to torture.

    Apparently we just so spoiled that we imagine some discomfort is torture. Maybe we should get some perspective on torture.

    Talk to a Vietnam Prisoner of War and get some reality.
