Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Collaboration with the enemies of life

If a band of killers shoots up a bank and kills a bunch of people in the process, the guys who cased the joint and drove the getaway cars are collaborators who are also subjected to the same sentence as the gunmen. Abortion is the same. It isn't just the butchers of Planned Parenthood who deserve approbation from the community but those who willingly assist and enable the killing.

The Collaborator's Project goes after those who assist the killers. Notre Dame is a collaborator who is likely to be designated a "permanent collaborator" over the Obama graduation debacle. They would join the only other "permanent collaborator," the Weitz Construction Company for their unflagging commitment to helping the child killers. Weitz built Denver's massive Planned Parenthood facility.

Visit the Collaborators' website and pray for their success. Let Weitz know what you think of their commitment to the death-peddlars.

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