Thursday, May 28, 2009

Obama Vatican Pick hailed by Soros-funded Groups

Well, Obama has named a Vatican ambassador, one welcomed by the cafeteria Catholics at Catholics United and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, groups funded by anti-Catholic billionaire George Soros. Miguel Diaz, a lay liberation theologian is an unabashed Obama supporter with a number of books published by Orbis Books, the publishing arm of the leftwing Maryknoll order. He also signed the letter backing the Sebelius nomination.

Diaz is firmly in the Kmiec camp of Catholics for whom murdering the unborn is a minor problem, trumped by "social justice" issues that exclude the weakest and most vulnerable. This is one more nomination that undermines the sanctity of human life while elevating liberalism and socialism as utopian solutions to world problems.

But, as many are pointing out, it is one more shrewd move on the part of a president who knows how to manipulate the division between orthodox and heterodox Catholics to his own advantage. Catholics United calls Diaz a "devout Catholic," but cafeteria Catholics mean by that anyone willing to "dialogue" even over the dead bodies of children -- like the Romans who threw dice for Jesus' cloak while the innocent one hung dying above them.

For more on the new Vatican ambassador pick:

Obama Names Diaz

Obama names Vatican ambassador: Miguel H. Diaz

Obama picks Cuban Liberation theologian as U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See

Obama names theology professor


  1. Oh, well, Rome won't accept his credentials either. Maybe the USA won't have diplomatic relations with the Vatican during this administration.

  2. Wish I thought this were true, but the Papal Nuncio has declared the Diaz appointment "an excellent choice." What would be a bad choice one wonders.

    It is not particularly surprising. Consider that this comes from a nuncio who hosts an annual fundraiser for the controversial St. Luke's Institute under Fr. Steve Rossetti.

    It is disheartening to faithful Catholics, but no surprise to those who see constant proof of Pope Paul VI's statement that the "smoke of Satan" has entered the Church. Vatican commissions and positions are filled with heterodox appointments.

    Historically, it is usually faithful laity who bring the Church back. This is one more call to ora et labora. Never ends does it?
