Friday, May 8, 2009

Posts from the Twilight Zone - Government Terrorism on the Rise

Bizarre items linked to the Department of Homeland Security and their report about domestic terrorism and "right-wing extremism" are right out of the Twilight Zone.

I wrote last month about Steve Bierfeldt of The Campaign for Liberty who was detained at the St. Louis Airport because he was (gasp!) carrying about $4500 in cash. If you haven't listened to Judge Napolitano talk about that violation of rights check it out.

Bad news for freedom. But today I got an item about a motorist in a small town in Alabama who was stopped BECAUSE OF HIS BUMPER STICKER! The man was detained for thirty minutes by the vigilant cops who ran an identification check before letting him go WITH A WARNING.

Since President Obama took office the Department of Homeland Security has labeled as potential terrorists pro-lifers, vets, Ron Paul supporters, and others who support freedom. I have both a Ron Paul and a pro-life sticker on my bumper making me a double terrorist I guess. Read the article; it's a head-shaker. Next, they'll have someone at the check-out counter in the grocery store doing a background check on anyone who buys teabags.

But this is no laughing matter. Remember what happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco. An out-of-control government killed American citizens who had committed no crimes including a twelve-year-old boy shot in the back. The only thing that made these Americans suspect was their distrust of the government. Hey, by that criteria Ronald Reagan was a terrorist. He used to joke that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

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