Monday, June 8, 2009

Coffee, tea, and nudity - will they franchise?

Another sign of the disintegrating American culture: a topless coffee shop opened about four months ago in a small town in Maine. It was burned to the ground a few days ago hours after the owner addressed the local planning board seeking permission to expand the business allowing waitresses to "dance around" the shop. I haven't seen anything in the articles I've read about what "waitresses" wear or don't wear on their bottom halves. The owner intends to rebuild. One local (a young man - could that explain his opinon?) said in this bad economy he's for anything that offers jobs. Wonder if that includes arsonists or assassins for hire.

How would you like to have one of these joints in your local town (with used condoms littering the parking lot)? Let's hope the old saying, "As Maine goes so goes the nation," doesn't hold true in this case. If it does - Bedford Falls, get ready for Pottersville.


  1. The forces of evil are always pushing the envelope. It is my understanding as the gay marriage storm was organizing another faction was also beginning to push their agenda, to lower the Age Of Consent. The AOC crowd was told, in effect, wait your turn guys, we first need to get gay marriage on the books, then you get your turn and we will help you. Whether it is to be lowered to 13 or 14 I do not know. Once age of consent is lowered, then there will be another cause. When societies like america, loose control of their moral compass and finances, the result in more than 200 examples over history is always brutal repression. Its closer thah most think. Once China refuses to lend us unlimited amounts of money, our economy will collapse. It is that simple. American capitalists sold American jobs to the communists overseas for short term stock market gains, and crushed the middle class under the smokescreen of lower prices. The only priest in America who warned us of this was Fr. Charles Coughlin. One of the rare priests in America who cared abut his flock.

  2. certainly doesn't make Coughlin sound like someone who was someone I could support. He's also a bit early in the game isn't he?

  3. Wikipedia is a firm controlled by Jews. Fr. Coughlin the Great spoke about Jews often and as a general statement they did not like him. Once he directed his
    comments at FDR and the friendly alliance with Communist Joe Stalin, the powers that be got him silenced. Same with Fr. Fenney. Boston was very Jewish in 1940's and they gave Cardinal Cushing money for his projects. When Fr. Fenney talked about the Jews, Cushing shut him up. To his credit, Fr. Fenney converted Cardinal Avery Dulles, who came from a wealthy prot family.

  4. Owner of that place defintely looks Russian. no surprise there.
