Friday, June 12, 2009

How will they twist this to blame pro-lifers?

LifeSiteNews has an interesting article on the Holocaust Museum shooter:

Holocaust Museum Shooter a Socialist who Hated Christianity, Conservatives, Jews

The author writes:

"In one of many online tirades, the shooter, 88 year-old James von Brunn wrote, 'Christianity and the Holocaust are hoaxes. "Christianity" destroyed Roman Civilization. The "Holocaust" Religion is destroying Western Civilization.' Between them, he said, they destroyed the 'Aryan gene pool.'

'He wrote, 'socialism represents the future of the West.'...

"Left-leaning news media in the US have pounced on the shooting, blaming it on the proliferation of 'hate' and 'divisiveness' brought about by the political and religious conservatism of the Bush administration. Pundits were quick to link the Holocaust Museum shooting with the killing of late-term abortionist George Tiller, as evidence of the kind of 'right wing extremism' identified as a threat to national security in a government report in April by the Department of Homeland Security....

"But efforts by the left to paint Von Brunn as a 'right wing extremist' ignore the evidence that the shooter was not a 'conservative,' but a self-admitted 'Aryan' socialist who hated Christianity and America’s conservative political class as well as the Jews. Ben Johnson, Managing Editor of FrontPage Magazine, noted von Brunn’s own internet rants against Christians and 'neo-cons' as part of a vast Jewish conspiracy to undermine the white race."

Despite the facts, I'm sure the mainstream media and government lefties will continue to blame right-wing, Christian, pro-life, homophobic domestic terrorists. (Did I leave out any adjectives?) It suits their agenda. And never let it be said that a liberal let facts interfere with his deeply-held beliefs no matter how wrong or ridiculous.

And who remembers the Unabomber after all? He was a loony leftie, but, funny, you never heard the liberals in the mainstream media admit it. Don't hold your breath waiting for a Justice Department probe to search for links between von Brunn and left-wing, irreligious, heterophobic, anti-life terrorist groups. They don't exist in the liberal mind. Only Christians are violent hate-mongers. Hey, they believe it so it must be true!


  1. The hate flows in more than one direction.

    What many people seem to forget
    is faith is a gift. But that is a very complex matter.

    Christians who offer conclusive proof of the holocaust lies,( exposing as lies the unanimous claims 'of witnesses' that persons killed with cyanide turned green or blue, when such poison turns a body RED ) and refuse to buy into the orthodox communist version, are targets of hate by self identified Christians.

    While racial supremacists are clearly offensive characters
    so too are closed minded

  2. I have been out of the loop for awhile and just started flipping through the news channels and this is quite shocking..

    i think you should all watch the video link i've posted at the end of this with an open mind, whether you agree with it or not is completely up to each individual person. some of the things I've seen on fox news does truly scare me, the same goes with msnbc and cnn... we shouldn't be fighting against eachother, we are all one, and we are all bothers and sisters one way or another. If we all help eachother and unite and come together and form a circle with one another, not only will we all be better off but we'll impress God too. LETS DO IT NOW, the Repubocrats or Democans or something like that... but all this fighting and blaming sides yo which this fool belonged too, is exactly what's wrong with the USA...forget the polices, this guy was neither pro-choise or pro-life...he was clearly someone who had no regard for anyone but himself.

  3. Checked out the link and it resolved to What the bleep do we know? Down the Rabbit Hole ... which is apparently a New-Ageish, pseudoscientific rational for a sort of universalistic explanation of religious sensibilities which then dismisses them as illusions and trys to explain everything as the way the brain operates and then generates a sort of pseudo-religion free spirituality.
    I see this stuff all the time. Two comments: 1) it never deals with the truth claims of religion, and 2) ultimately it undermines any truth claims of almost anything.

    But it is out there all over the place, the mythology of our time. It appears that Anonymouse is equally bought into Holocaust denial for similar reasons -- if you cherry pick your data you get the result you prefer. That's what these guys are doing too. So whether you agree or disagree you get what you prefer ... That's Burger King reality pastiche ... have it your way.

    is the Wikipedia coverage on the video. Worth a look if you are interested in the pseudoscience stuff that is running around these days. The public schools are so bad that most people can't tell the difference any more between science and pseudoscience.

  5. Ray, are you a chemistry denier. How can you sit there and deny proven chemical reactions.
    Should people like you be locked up in prison for being a chemistry denier. Is being a chemistry denier spreading hate. So what is your color? I mean, you are denying the proven fact persons killed with Cyanide turn a reddish color. Tell us your hypothesis, then support it with facts. If nt you are a chemistry denier. Should DHS focus on chemistry deniers, arrest them and lock them up as they are spreading hate. I am using the exact same logic people like you use. How dare you self identify as a Chrsitian when you are a chemistry denier.


    David Letterman's hate is as old as some ancient Hebrew prophets.
    Speaking of anti-Semitism, it's Jerry Falwell and other fundy leaders who've gleefully predicted that in the future EVERY nation will be against Israel (an international first?) and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed, right?
    Wrong! It's the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah who predicted all this in the 13th and 14th chapters of his book! The last prophet, Malachi, explains the reason for this future Holocaust that'll outdo even Hitler's by stating that "Judah hath dealt treacherously" and "the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this" and asks "Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother?"
    Haven't evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish? Then please explain the recent filthy, hate-filled, back-stabbing tirades by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard and Kathy Griffin) against a leading evangelical named Sarah Palin, and explain why most Jewish leaders have seemingly condoned Palin's continuing "crucifixion"!
    While David, Sandra, and Kathy are tragically turning comedy into tragedy, they are also helping to speed up and fulfill the Final Holocaust a la Zechariah and Malachi, thus helping to make the Bible even more believable!
    (For even more stunning information, visit MSN and type in "Separation of Raunch and State" and "Bible Verses Obama Avoids.")

  7. Man alive, are you serious? Israel is ipso facto the Catholic church. The region in Palestine referred to as Israel is a very misleading term. The True Spiritual Jews or Israelites are Catholics. Please read the Gospel of John for a better understanding of this. Modern day religious persons who refer to themselves as Jews, evangelicals or even moslems
    are all just a variety pack
    of heretics. Some are baptized, most are not. The idea that protestants are somehow in league with Catholics to promote authentic Christianity is wishful thinking.
    I know a large number of such persons, and those who are serious about their faith almost always profess Catholicism is a cult or the Pope is the anti Christ, or we are not Christians.
    I do think the days are approaching when Catholics will be severely persecuted for their faith. God always punishes his people when they turn from his commandments. Catholics are HIS people. The Kings of France had a 100 year warning before the King lost his head, literally. My belief is Fatima was our warning,
    In 1917. Why? Because we were told unless Russia was Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Russia would spread its errors over the whole world. Meaning communism. Who is arming Iran as we speak? Russia.
    Therefore I do not see our present era as one of PEACE. Russians are not converting.Russia has become the world capital for drug use, drug smuggling, human slavery, etc...vices of every kind are out of control
    The american economic engine is in real decline as is our currency.
    Should there be a collapse in the next 8 years, which is possible, our replacement leadership is likely to be a dictatorship.

  8. lol you know its funny... If people like Sarah Palin and her loyal followers didn't exist most of the problems we are facing these days (especially in America) wouldn't even exist. You people have the attitude that your right and above everyone and it's sad you have to pull all of us AMERICANS into your little shananigans, giving our free nation a MAJOR SCAR...In other words, regardless of what a late-night comedian says, you die-hard right wingers who think billion airs and million airs should thrive as poor children don't even have clean water to drink in parts of the world,...some Christians you all are! Why don't we scrap all religion and everyone come together in unity with the belief we are ALL GOD's children helping all brothers and sisters live better lives together.

  9. You're the one who's funny, Anonymous. Christians, including Catholics, are the most generous people on the planet funding many programs to assist the third world. They are the ones in crisis pregnancy centers working with poor women to help save their babies. Never met a women in one yet who was a millionaire.

    It's liberals (like you?) who are the ugly Americans exporting population control, abortion, and chemical birth control to kill the children of the poor in the third worl. Look at the U.N. meetings in Cairo and Beijing and see who teamed up with the local third world representatives begging for medicine to control dysentary, cholera, etc. It was the Vatican, pro-lifers, and muslims. The left, i.e. feminists, environmental extremists, and population elitists are the ones who want to eliminate millions of poor people so the planet will be safe for elitists and trees. Kill the children to help the children, right?

    You can hide under the anonymity bridge, but it doesn't disguise your trollish nature. A troll's voice is easy to pick out even in a crowd. Go haunt someone else's blog.

  10. Oh Mary Ann.. your so brainwashed by your conservative "I'm right and above everyone" kind of attitude that it has clearly clouded you into a corner where you go blaming all the "ugly liberals" for all the problems YOUR right-wing party has created! Democrats want health care for everyone including POOR children...and the repubs are the one's trying to stop there is one minor example for you...I just think people like you who call yourself a Christian should be serisouly ashamed because it's nothing more than a simple label to make yourself feel better at night. Are you from South Carolina Mary-anne? Sorry I can't take anything you right-wingers say seriously anymore after Mark Sanford's press conference today....same old thing! And that's right, I will remain anonymous and you can't do a damn thing about it :}

  11. "It's liberals (like you?) who are the ugly Americans"
    "You can hide under the anonymity bridge, but it doesn't disguise your trollish nature. A troll's voice is easy to pick out even in a crowd. Go haunt someone else's blog."

    Is it just me, but when these crazy right-wingers (who think they're above everyone) get there feet stuck in cement all they do is hurl out obscenities? A troll? Ugly liberal? LOL WHEN WILL YOU PEOPLE LEARN IT's NOT ABOUT HOW YOU LOOK FROM THE OUTSIDE! Hasn't God at least taught you that yet?

  12. Gosh, I thought you were internet savvy. I'm sorry you misunderstood what I meant since I presumed you understood internet lingo. Troll is a term used for people who go around stirring up trouble on websites. I think that fits you pretty well. You seem to me to be the "playtime troll." If you still don't get it you can go to this url to read the definition.

    As for the "ugly American" comment, The Ugly American is a book written by two foreign service officers about bad American policies that devastate third world countries. I thought you would understand the reference. The book is pretty well known and was made into a film with Marlon Brando.

    Your attacks are starting to get personal, nasty, and tiresome. If you post any more like these they're gone.
