Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More on George Tiller and his Abortion Business

George Tiller's murder was wrong, but the efforts to make the man into a saintly martyr are nauseating. He lived in a nearly million dollar mansion in a gated community on the blood money he made by killing children. Pray for Tiller and his family but don't be afraid to speak the truth. Don't let the politically correct hysteria (talk about whipping people into a frenzy as Susan Campbell accuses pro-lifers below) silence your voice. George Tiller was a serial killer. He almost always killed the babies; sometimes he killed their mothers as well. He was no hero. Being murdered doesn't make him one.

Pray for his murderer as well. Stories coming out indicate the man is mentally deranged like John Salvi was who shot up the abortion mill in Brookline, MA in 1994. We live in an insane culture. Is it any wonder that people go crazy and start shooting? Hey, maybe the Virginia Tech shooter was motivated by the culture that says killing is okay if you're "pro-choice." Every person who commits violence against another is pro-choice when you get down to it. When a culture legalizes the killing of some, it devalues the lives of all.

The pro-life movement is non-violent. We've been fighting for over four decades against an evil that's killed 50 million babies. How many abortionists and abortion workers have been killed? I was able to identify 8: David Gunn (1993), Wayne Patterson (1993), John Britton and James Barrett (1994), Shannon Lowney and Leanne Nichols (1994), Robert Sanderson (1998), and Barnett Slepian (1998). Except for James Kopp none of the killers had connections to the pro-life movement. Abortion clinic workers have a greater chance of dying in an auto accident on the way to the abortuary than being murdered. Unfortunately, one can't say the same for the babies. Very few come out of an abortion mill alive.

More articles on George Tiller:

Two monsters by Edward Feser: Another politically incorrect post that compares George Tiller to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Interesting comments.

How Tiller killed the children photos and statements taken from Tiller's own website as well as a lot of other information about the man and his "business"

Statistics on Tiller's post-viability abortions: Includes the story of Baby Sarah Brown who survived Tiller's abortion and was later adopted. She died at age five due to medical consequences of the attempted abortion. She was a perfectly normal and healthy infant until Tiller stabbed her in the face with poisonous chemicals. Contrary to the nonsense being promulgated that Tiller only did "therapeutic" late-term abortions (since when is killing the patient "therapy?"), he never refused to kill children who were normal and healthy if parents wanted it.

What Abortion Frenzy Begets
An opinion piece from the Hartford Courant that demonizes pro-lifers for their language and essentially blames us for Tiller's murder. Author Susan Campbell wants to reduce abortion by sex education in the schools which is nothing but Planned Parenthood brainwashing and sexualization of children which leads to more promiscuity, more pregnancies, and more abortion. Pro-lifers need to resist this type of reasoning and refuse to be silenced. See Fr. Frank Pavone's message.

Commentary: Let’s Get our Facts Straight about Tiller and Anti-Abortion Violence: "More than a dozen abortionists have been convicted of murder and manslaughter ― of their wives, of their patients, and even of other abortionists. Yet you never hear about these killings in the press (see for documentation). Abortionists are more likely to kill than to be killed."

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