Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pray for George Tiller Today

Thanks to my friend Art who sent this along:

If we pray each day for one of the Post Conceived Humans that George Tiller killed and then pray one day for "Killer" Tiller; we will have to pray for...

164 and ¼ years

before we pray ONCE for Tiller.

60,000 abortions/365 days in the year = 164.38 years!

But also remember: As long as we live, we have the opportunity to come to God. Once we are dead, it is too late.


Gives one pause, eh? Please don't wait 164 years to pray for George Tiller, but pray today that he had time to repent before he died. And resolve to live each day as if it's your last, loving God and your neighbor. For all you know it very well may be. None of us knows the day or the hour.

1 comment:

  1. I understand that if an abortionist goes to hell.....and we should not assume each one will go there... all the babies he or she killed will echo into their soul for eternity. Probably the least of the tortures for such persons.
