Monday, June 1, 2009

Tiller's Killing sparks pro-abortion hate-speech

The vultures are gathering, but not around the dead body of late-term abortionist George Tiller. He's already enshrined as a hero, a godlike defender of a woman's right to choose, a martyr, raised on the heights of Mount Olympus. Pro-abortion groups are waving the banner of "anti-abortion violence" smearing every pro-lifer in the country as a domestic terrorist and hatemonger.

As politically incorrect as it is to point this out, the reality is that Tiller's murder is the best thing that could have happened for abortion in this country. And the timing couldn't be more convenient -- what with embryonic stem cell research, hate crimes, control of talk radio, and conscience protection legislation before the Congress. The sympathy backlash makes all of those items more likely to pass. The murder will also affect the political race in Virginia (perhaps New Jersey as well). Liberals were already attacking Virginia's pro-life slate, elected on Saturday, and Tiller's killing is a boon to whichever pro-abortion Democrat wins the nomination this week. It also boosts the chances for easy Senate confirmation of all President Obama's pro-abortion picks including Supreme Court candidate, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. What conservative politician will risk being tarred with the extremist brush?

Yes, Tiller's shooting is an opportunity, a crisis not to be wasted, a godsend in fact for the pro-abortion movement. The attack on the pro-life community (and conservative talk radio) has heated to the boiling point. The facts indicate that Tiller's shooter had no connections to the pro-life movement, but the mainstream media is portraying just the opposite. Suddenly a man who has apparently never picketed an abortion mill or participated in organized pro-life activities is representing the entire movement. We are all smeared with the murderer tag. Oh, we may not have pulled the trigger, they say, but we killed him by daring to show the photos of dead babies, or by praying the rosary outside abortion mills, or pushing baby strollers with dolls sprinkled in stage blood, or even speaking out against abortion. No matter that the reality is so much more gruesome, those who tell the truth about abortion are terrorists who must be stopped.

A short survey of internet websites shows comments like these at Washington Monthly :
"The Right are the Enemy, and they must be destroyed."

"I would place much of the blame at the feet of those who broadcast this form of hate & fear on the public airwaves... and those who do the same in their churches. They have incited acts of terrorism in the name of God."

"Once he's confessed to a conspiracy with the entire leadership of Operation Rescue to engage in domestic terrorism, we can round up Randall Terry and his whole stinking fetus-cult and be rid of them once and for all."

Bill O'Reilly of Fox News is a particular target at the Huffington Post because he dared to expose the grisly killings at Tiller's abortuary. Here are just a few comments:
"Bill got one of his many unstable followers to obey his command.
Pundits like O'Reilly live for this. The power to lead people to murder for them.
Good job Bill."

"Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Boss Rush, Sean Hannity, Karl Rove, Morning Joe, Pat B. Michelle B. and all the other hate spewing talking heads HAVE to be held accountable."

"It is time for this right wing hate machine to be brought to justice."

The condemnation from NARAL, NOW, The Feminist Majority, Planned Parenthood is shrill and broad-based. One lone man shot the gun; all pro-lifers are guilty of his murder.

It's interesting to note that when women are forced to abort, when men kill women, in fact, for refusing to abort, not a word of protest is raised by the abortion machine. Condemning those deaths can't advance their agenda. When adult male predators take little girls to abortion mills to hide their sexual abuse, not a word of protest is raised. In fact, counselors instruct the children to lie to protect their abusers. Advancing abortion, no matter what the price paid by women and children, always comes first.

Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups will raise millions off of Tiller's death while they weep crocodile tears over his murder on the way to the bank. Using their strategy of hate speech against pro-lifers they will no doubt silence voices of reason under a deluge of slander and hysteria. The pro-life movement has shown itself to be the most peaceful, grassroots civil rights movement in the history of the United States. That won't prevent the pro-abortion mob from calling for us to be fed to the lions.

One last comment, when was the last time you heard about pro-abortion violence? Hundreds of murders and attempted murders have occurred against women who refused to have abortions. Was the pro-death movement targeted with those deaths? Never! For a report on pro-abortion violence visit Human Life International. All of those women are just as dead as George Tiller, but to the pro-abortion fanatics they are nothing but collateral damage.

Abortion Violence Study


  1. How dare you call yourself Catholic while also saying that Dr. Tiller's assassination is justified or good. Everyone who has used incendiary language about this issue has encouraged people like the doctor's murderer to act out violently. The blood is on the hands of everyone who uses hateful violent language.

  2. The previous commenter obviously did not read the article. Tiller's death was not called 'good'. The author merely pointed out that it was already being used to boost pro-abortion sympathies, and would likely result in an increase of pro-abortion legislation,elections and money.

    The commenter is a perfect example of how and why.

    As to calling a murderer a murderer...nothing could be more just. Those who ignore murderers because it is 'uncomfortable' are NOT JUST. Or Christian.

  3. Thanks, Island Breezes, you're a breath of fresh air. Anonymous, I deplore the murder of abortionists. It's not only wrong, but it's stupid and always aids and abets the abortion industry.

    But your statement that "incendiary language" (of pro-lifers obviously) caused this indicates your double standard. We've been described as terrorists, violent, and hate-mongers. You might just as well call the pro-abortionists' "hateful violent language" the cause of the killing.

    But actually, no one knows what made the shooter do it and it would be sensible to wait for more information on his motive. But smearing the entire pro-life movement for the killing is simply a tactic of the radical left who will use this to try to further enshrine and justify the killing of children.

  4. As most Catholics know, protestants are not REAL christians as they reject 90% of Catholic dogmas etc..
    but I do find it ironic this baby butcher was playing along as though he were a man of the bible on Sunday when his life ended. As much as I find fred Phelps a bit offensive, I hope he pickets the funeral.
