Friday, July 3, 2009

Kmiec's Payoff: Ambassador to Malta

Well, the payoff is official. Doug Kmiec, the supposedly pro-life Catholic who backed the most pro-abortion politician ever to run for public office is getting his reward. He helped Obama win the Catholic vote masquerading as someone who would make abortion rare. In reality Obama has increased the murder of the innocent exponentially since taking office and is working hard to reduce protection for other vulnerable Americans like the elderly and the handicapped while he undermines the conscience rights of medical personnel and others who oppose the culture of death.

The organizations Kmiec helped advance, Catholics United and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, are front groups for the democratic party funded by anti-Catholic billionaire George Soros who also funds Catholics for a Free Choice. Their purpose is to promote liberalism and democratic political candidates. Many of the individuals on the boards and speakers bureaus of these organizations work actively with groups that promote abortion, same-sex marriage, and other liberal agenda items

Here are just a few of Kmiec's betrayals of Catholic truth:

He misrepresented the bishops' document on politics, Faithful Citizenship, to convince Catholics one can be justified in voting for pro-abortion candidates. Archbishop Chaput of Denver challenged him to deliver a pro-life Obama. (Has anyone noticed Obama moving to a more pro-life position?)

He participated in the charade that Kansas under radical pro-abort Kathleen Sibelius reduced abortions and she was responsible. Sibelius' policies had nothing to do with it according to researcher Michael New at the University of Alabama.

Kmiec has proposed an end to states recognizing legal marriage as a "solution" to the gay marriage debate. Legal scholar Robert George has called that a "terrible idea" that would undermine the family.

In July 2008 Fr. Richard John Neuhaus called Kmiec "deeply confused" and guilty of "tortured reasoning and misrepresentation of the positions of others." Tom Roeser also wrote a powerful piece on Kmiec's betrayal in March of 2008 during the campaign. He lamented that Kmiec, a friend, appeared to be selling out for ambition. In view of the results, Kmiec has apparently succeeded. Support for Obama has bought him a sweet assignment to one of the most Catholic countries in the world. Was this what Kmiec had in mind when he sold out the unborn or does Kmiec believe his own rhetoric? Who can say? Who can read another man's soul?

St. Thomas Aquinas says that no one ever chooses evil. He rationalizes what he wishes to choose as good and then chooses the good that he sees. Some of the greatest evils in history have been committed under a veil of supposed goodness. Doug Kmiec has won an ambassorship, but in the process has he, as Tom Roeser asks, betrayed his God?

1 comment:

  1. What a prince of a guy Doug is. May God reciprocate his loyalty to his Faith
