Sunday, July 19, 2009

Laugh of the Day - The Penguins' Love Triangle

Get your bellylaugh of the day from this article about the female penguin who broke up the "gay pair" at the San Francisco Zoo. Turns out the scientists' were engaging in a farce, which is always the case when the agenda trumps the facts! On the other hand, maybe Linda, the lady penguin, converted Harry to Christianity causing him to reject his former homosexual lover, Pepper. As for male penguins hatching the eggs, that's what they do, nothing unusual there. Haven't you seen March of the Penguins?

While the penguin item was funny, I can't laugh about the mandatory homosexual indoctrination of little children in Alameda schools. (Can't let those pesky parents put the lid on homosexual recruitment of their children from the cradle.) A lot of this is going on behind parents' backs with homosexuality introduced into the curriculum with no notice to parents. (Well, darn, those homophobic hate mongers might object to teaching children the ins and outs of sodomy and anal sex.)

Homosexuality is an identity disorder. There is no such thing as a homosexual personality. Scratch the surface of a homosexual's story and you will frequently find a seduction/molestation/rape that led to the "discovery" that, "Hey, I'm gay!" - like Chastity Bono. Pray for those trapped in the homosexual lifestyle. For many, same-sex attraction is an agonizing trial. But you don't hear about them because they aren't out and about in leather thongs promoting perversion.

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