Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama-care government health plan assaults the elderly.

Fred Thompson recently interviewed Betsy McCaughey. It's a real eye-opener. Betsy, a former lieutenant governor of New York, has read the entire bill and cites chapter and verse about this abusive bill that scapegoats the elderly and rations their care. Consider the impact on older Americans of being denied hip and knee replacements and common antibiotics for infection.

Obama-care targets the boomer generation for denial of health care benefits and mandates death counseling. Every five years the elderly will be REQUIRED to attend a session on how to end their lives earlier by refusing food, water, and antibiotics (See pp. 425-430 of the plan). Anyone diagnosed with a serious disease must be counseled AGAIN. Those with incurable diseases like dementia can be denied care altogether. Rationing is inevitable. Medicare will be cut by 584 billion while large numbers are added to the rolls.

Remember after Roe v. Wade when pro-lifers said that murdering children would result in euthanasia of the elderly. Welcome to the brave new future...It's here!

Listen to Fred Thompson interview Betsy McCaughey and pass it on.

This is downright diabolical. For more information go to Defend Your Health Care.


  1. So, not giving someone EVERYTHING he needs is "assault"???

    I love how conservatives, the "fend-for-yourself", "no-redistribution" crowd, are now objecting to the current plan-in-progress on the grounds that it WON'T give everyone enough goodies.

    It's not rationing, either. Rationing means you're not allowed to obtain more than a certain amount of something. That's why black markets are illegal in countries where there is rationing, like Vienna between the world wars! You're only allowed to consume the amount authorized by the government.

    All these geriatric patients will be free to purchase any and all health care if they so desire, in the form of private supplemental insurance and/or individual services for individual fees. That may be expensive but it's not rationing. See: high-school English, the section on vocabulary.

    The fact is, we spend the majority of our health-care money on the last few months of life. Can you think of a stupider way to arrange things??? I can't.

    What if we could prolong your life for one hour at the cost of one quadrillion dollars. That's a thousand trillions. Should we do it? If we don't, is that "assault"???

    My own plan: when I get my terminal diagnosis I will move to Copenhagen and spend the few months doing opiate drugs.

  2. Follow-up: it would be different if it didn't matter, if it were all free. But the reason the middle class in USA has not enjoyed an increase in disposable income since President Clinton is largely because their increased productivity has been eaten up by increased health-care costs. This will increase and the rate of increase will increase (an infinitely-differentiable storm!) as baby-boomers retire. And more than half of what we are paying the insurance companies all this money to cover yields only very small lifetime-increase, during the worst time of life.

    I'd rather be doing opiates for five months than lose a decade worth of raises in order to live for six months without the opiates, thank you very much. Then again, I may have a bias because I have watched people die of cancer.

  3. Follow follow up: I have worked with people from Germany, Switzerland, Israel, Japan, South Korea, France, the Scandinavians, and even the despised (health-care wise) Canada and England. For every story I READ about having to delay a specialty-operation (most of which can be safely, if inconveniently or even painfully, delayed), I HEAR one personally about getting seriously injured, or big-time sick, or, giving birth or whatever, and getting adequate medical treatment including physical therapy and all those extras, without having to THINK about money AT ALL.

  4. Not give enough "goodies?" S

    o it's okay to deny services to those with chronic diseases? No hip or knee replacement for you, Gramma; you're too old to be worth it! And by the way, our counselor wants to talk to you about signing a living will that agrees to no food, no water, and no antibiotics if you get sick.

    But maybe you favor killing off the elderly.

    This bill particularly affects the handicapped which should give everyone pause. The Third Reich's T-4 program targeted the handicapped and mentally ill first. Then they went for the "defective" races. And before that they passed permissive abortion laws for everyone they considered unfit.

    Of course it's rationing. If you say one segment of the population can't get care because they are too old or too handicapped that's rationing. More for the fit, less for the unfit. Better stay healthy!

    As for George Tiller -- most of the babies he murdered in the last trimester were perfect. Only a small percentage of his gruesome late-term killings involved babies with serious handicaps. He lived handsomely as a hired hit man.

    The right to life covers all of us or it covers none of us. That's why Obama is now devaluing the lives of those who don't make the grade and cost too much to bother with.

    Of course the rich folks in Congress will either have the money to get whatever they need or will be outside the program which is the typical approach for the elite.

    As for workers' "increased productivity" being eaten up, you are absolutely right. It's been eaten up by taxes most of which go to bureaucratic salaries. The Department of Energy, for example, was established by Jimmy Carter to make us energy independent. Has it? Hardly! It's 2009 appropriation was over 34 million dollars. How much total since Carter established it? And government just keeps growing - taking over the banks, the auto industry, and now health.

    What do the people get? Less of everything except taxes and tyranny.

  5. Operation Counterstrike -- does this imply you are part of a Left organization that targets conservative or traditional religious blogs. You are an ignorant idiot (I'm channeling Mark Levin) No one has a 'right' to health care just like you don't have a 'right' to anything else but the fruit of your hard work (i.e. if you do any hard work) --if you get any services due to other people's hard work you should be thankful that they have provided for you.
    Now the government doesn't have the right to redistribute wealth in the first place. Nor do they have any particular competence in the area of health care, in fact quite the opposite. The government is really good at making things cost more, be delivered more slowly and ineffectively and generally destroy any initiative or joy in life with a welter of regulations and nonsense.
    So suck it up and go back into your sorry vegetative state and replenish your neurons -- when you drop below two you stop registering on the a$$hole meter and begin registering as, yes, a vegetable.

  6. “No one has a 'right' to health care just like you don't have a 'right' to anything else but the fruit of your hard work.”

    Your statement is nothing more than an absolute affront to human dignity in creating a fallacious ‘perfect world’ and then ask everyone else to tolerate a situation which is clearly so unjust.

    Even this extreme conservative Pope Benedict XVI recognized the “right to food” and wrote that social justice among people must be promoted to encourage a sharing of goods, their sustainable use and a just distribution of their benefits.

    The panic and sadness I feel when reading these posts without any compassion is nothing compared to the extreme vulnerability of that being felt by the unemployed who are willing. Many are unemployed despite having performed perfectly. Now, these policies have destroyed jobs and there is no “hard work” to bear fruit.

  7. The irony of all this is that those who talk about compassion want to cut off health care to the elderly and handicapped and while they claim to be improving health care for everyone. It's simply a lie. My brother just had a stroke. Under Obama care the bureaucracy would likely consider him not worth treating because of the severity of the stroke. Maybe at 54 he would make the cut on age - just barely, but I have no doubt they would be urging the family to deny water, food, and antibiotics.

    There is compassion and there is talking about compassion while you offer the drugs for assisted suicide. It's already happening in Oregon. See my earlier post: Oregon Shows What's in Store for the Elderly.

    It's been said that a society can be judged by the way it treats the young and old. We are quick to push for murdering both. It's no wonder recent popes describe us as the "culture of death."

  8. OK nightly news just debunked all that was said by the former Lt. Govenor and Fred Thompson. I believe that most people in this country are smart enough to realize that first, the President is not looking to punish ANYONE, but instead save EVERYONE money. 2nd, Both Fred Thompson and the former Lt. Governor are both affiliated with a few LARGE health insurance companies...both have recieved campaign funds from these companies and are basically lobbying for them in this interview. And 3rd, and most important, anyone who doesn't want to save money on health care is a complete idiot, Which of course most of those who read this very article are, remember you voted for the WORST PRESIDENT in UNITED STATES history (Bush) so be honest, should you really have the right to vote. Probably not...i'm sure most of you still want to "drill baby drill" our way out of our energy crisis and also believe that there is no global warming and that we road dinsaurs long ago...just like your lady of the year, Sarah Palin. IDIOTS!!
