Friday, July 10, 2009

Oh, for PETA's Sake!

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) makes me laugh, in a head-shaking way. They also turn my thoughts to satire. One problem though: when an organization is that ridiculous, they are beyond satire. Their reality is sillier than anything one could make up.

PETA claims "compassion even for the smallest and least of animals." In fact, they went ballistic when President Obama killed a pesky fly on his jacket. (Hey, Mr. President, we agree on something. Flies are dirty and I don't want them around; I'll happily loan you my flyswatter.) And yet, PETA has no sympathy for unborn babies. (Perhaps if they thought of them as puppies or kittens...) Not only does PETA have no position on abortion, but they dare to call pro-lifers hypocritical, but not just hypocritical. It is "loathsome" and "grotesquely hypocritical" that we don't oppose abuses in the chicken industry.

Actually, PETA just uses these things as a way to promote the vegetarian lifestyle. I doubt if there is a method of slaughtering animals, no matter how humane, that would garner their approval. How dare any of us eat an animal, experiment on one, or wear products made from one. The fact that many cures have arisen from animal experiments and studies is just too darn bad. Die, people, and stop cluttering up the planet.

The most grotesque form of child-killing doesn't deserve even a peep of protest from PETA. It's that fried egg in the egg mcmuffin that raises their ire along with the "hypocrisy" of those carniverous pro-lifers who won't go vegetarian. PETA, of course, is not guilty of any hypocrisy. Their compassion just doesn't extend to the animal species, homo sapiens.


  1. I agree completely. Nothing drives me more nuts than celebrities on television ads practically crying about the way animals are treated. Hello??? "XX number of dogs and cats are homeless and hungry in America." Umm, are you kidding? Do you know how silly you sound? I love animals as much as the next girl, but get your priorities straight! And pro-lifers are "hypocritical" because we don't take a stand on chicken treatment?? Since when are chicken lives more important than human lives? Did I miss something?

  2. Yummm...Beef, it's what's for dinner...and chicken, and eggs, and pork...Sorry - but I own a farm and although we love our pets and the kids love the chickens and steers, we're not getting rid of them b/c of PETA. Get a life!

  3. I wonder what a PETA member would do if there was a 3-foot long tapeworm in his stomach. Let's research humane ways to get rid of the parasite...and what about those pesky spirochettes one enjoys in tertiary syphillis?

  4. This is what happens when people have too much leisure. They find stupid things to compulse about.

    Global Warming, Alar on Apples, Swine Flu, Floride in the water, lack of bike trails, ... here in Harrisonburg everyone is going on about raising chickens in the city ... why not?

    In the bad ole days they'd not have had the time since they'd be working from dawn to dusk and without electric lights it was too dark to do much so they actually went to bed.

  5. What upsets me is that there is this idea that being pro-life and being compassionate towards animals are mutually exclusive.

    PETA folks {as well as the pro-abortion crowd} will cry out that pro-lifers are one issue people, when the reality is that we simply have our priorities straight. Do pro-lifers condone the beating, abuse and neglect of animals? None that I know, but we also know that our first obligation is to each other as humans - protecting each other as early as in the womb and in natural death.

    I love my pet - I've always been an animal lover {and no, we don't have insurance on our cat}, but if you force me to choose between my animal and my child, I will always choose my children {aka human beings}, the image of God Himself.

    I would be curious to know the root of such compulsion to save animals vs. babies...

  6. I think animal cruelty is very wrong but to make it a priority over and support the abortion (legal murder) of the uborn babies today is so sick and twisted that how do you reason with them? It's like a scene out of the twilight zone!
