Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The truth about global warming in the District of Columbia

Well, the truth is out. The cause of global warming, at least in the District of Columbia, is all those gas bags in Congress emitting hot air. As soon as they all left town temperatures dropped way below normal. Hey, I'm not kidding. Check it out here. Research is still necessary to explain the drop in June temperatures in many other parts of the world. Maybe all the politicians in those locales went on vacation as well.



    Interesting testimony on the topic of Global Warming from Dr. William Happer a Princeton University Physicist. You know, one of those awful "Global Warming Deniers."

    As the cooling phase which some expect to extend to 2030 gets underway, the global warming crowd are looking more and more silly.

    (I really should stop using "silly" -- I read somewhere that it once meant holy or blessed -- very strange how words change.)

  2. Additional proof would be if the temperatures rose in the hometowns of the members of Congress.

  3. You know what gets me? Sure, global warming is a possibility. It's even possible that humans are the culprits. Fine. So let's discuss.

    But that's not what's been allowed to happen until very recently. I listened on the Diane Rheim Show as she (with her hoarse voice and all) shouted down one of her guests who dared to question the dogma. Incidentally, he was only reading a quote from some government agency that was calling the dogma into question. I forget who... a bunch of scientific lightweights.

    Oh, that's right. NASA. Quote was to the extent that the decade 1994-2004 was not the hottest on record, as NASA first announced, but to the contrary. In a brief retraction, NASA admitted to miscalculating and said that the 1930s (Dustbowl Era) was the hottest decade. The decade 1994-2004 was just the same as the one preceding, and so far, the one following.

    It's a dogma with an agenda. That's all. Al Gore lost me when he started arriving places in private jets.
