Monday, August 10, 2009

Cash for Clunkers Hurts the Poor!

Do you hear the Twilight Zone music playing? Here are a few problems with "cash for clunkers":

1) The government requires destruction of the clunkers, the very cars the poor can afford. I actually heard an interview on public radio with an auto dealer describing how they fill the oil tank with a mixture, then turn on the engine until it dies. One more car body for the landfill. And one less used car for someone who can't afford to buy new.

2) Do the poor benefit? No, but the auto workers' union sure does. This is a liberal payback.

3) Who's buying the cars? Folks who can afford them -- those who are relatively affluent. They get a deep discount on a new car courtesy of the taxpayers (including the poor). This is welfare for the wealthy!

4) Some auto buyers say the cost of a new car is higher. Auto dealers are jacking up the prices of new, fuel efficient models.

"Cash for Clunkers" is pretty on the outside but when you lift the hood there's no engine to run it.

Cash for Clunkers program a tax cut for the rich


  1. There are people right here in my county for which one of those "clunkers" would mean the ability to get off welfare. But the cars are trashed, and the poor left on the dole. Which is, I'm guessing, right where the administration wants them, since statistically we've seen that welfare recipients are a Democratic voting bloc.

    Not that I'm cynical.

  2. Dear Granny,
    1. The poor cannot afford to fuel these SUV's. Ford SUVs are the number one model being turned in.
    2. Even if you gave your car away, to what JOB would the poor drive to?
    3. Update. Welfare has been reformed.
    4. Most new cars purchased in this program are manufactured here in the US by foreign based manufacturers.

    Always with you folks misfortune in others is seen as a personal failure of morality and laziness. Certainly understandable as republicans are a faith-based believers that CEO's, Corporations and the "death panels" of private Health Care Insurance are the best in the world.

  3. poor people can not afford to buy nothing but used cars and the very poor can not even afford that in this economy, so why should the poor peoples taxes have to buy cars and i hear appliances will be on the table soon, for someone who is obviously much better off than them when they can not even afford one desperately needed for themselves. It is just another way of ripping off the poorest people of our nation period. You would have to be a complete idiot or greedy and don't care to see it any other way.
