Sunday, August 30, 2009

Good-bye to the First Amendment

The first amendment to the Consitution is supposed to protect free speech rights, even the right to display what others find offensive. I personally would not carry a sign with a picture like that although I understand the feelings of those who do. (Where's the compassion for the disenfranchised?) The gentleman could have refused the officer's unjust order and allowed himself to be arrested. It is only by challenging the unconstitutional activities of these people that we can protect our rights. Under Obama they are fast being destroyed. No doubt carrying a picture like that will soon be labeled a hate crime. Funny, you never heard anything about the nastiness of those who displayed pictures of Bush as Hitler. There is a double standard that threatens only one side of the debate.

If you are a conservative (Bush was no conservative; he was hated for being a Republican.), you are presumed guilty of intolerance and hate; if you're a liberal you are compassionate and tolerant no matter how viscious your attacks. Remember Sarah Palin. Heck, remember poor Bristol Palin. Heck, remember the poor folks going to town hall meetings!

Hate is not a family value unless you happen to be in the liberal family tent that houses abortionists, pornographers, sodomites, champions of same-sex marriage, playboys and their bunnies, the Hollywood elite, PETA people who think animals have more rights than people, Rahm Emanuel and his dead fish, and every other nutcase on the planet. When they depict people they don't like as Hitler, they're just telling the truth.

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