Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Great Editorial from Wesley Pruden on the Town Hall Meetings

PRUDEN: Recycling the contempt


  1. and Jon Stewart has video of the republican recycling.

    I think the democrats should do what President Bush did and provide a parking lot several miles away for demonstrators and only let those who agree with them enter.

  2. They learned that little trick from Democrats -- the ones that like to come and keep the speaker from speaking. But at a Town Hall Meeting the idea is to listen to the people, not be lectured to by your representative -- you know the guy who is supposed to be representing you.
    Since when has the huffintonpost been a site that does anything but dispense liberal koolaid?
    One thing to point out is that the Democrats are complaining because they didn't get their paid demonstrators in to dominate the dialog. These folks are people who actually do things like pay taxes and want their health care to actually provide health. Why don't you move to Canada, then you can have all the socialized health care you can stand in line long enough to get.
