Sunday, September 13, 2009

9/11: Do We Know the Truth?

There are a lot of theories out there about what "really happened" on 9/11. Some believe it was a government conspiracy and the planes hitting the Twin Towers were empty, radio-controlled drones and the real planes crashed into the ocean. Other's believe the towers were deliberately brought down by explosives set in the basements of the buildings that were set off near the time the planes hit.

What do you think? I've read a lot of the conspiracy theories out there. I'm not an engineer or a scientist and I know next to nothing about mechanics and physics, but others do. Here's an interesting analysis of the conspiracy theories. Check out the folks who contributed to it and see for yourself.

Special Report from Popular Mechanics, March 2005


  1. I have read that "experts" have said that a plane could not have brought the building down so I believe there is more to the story.
    I also wonder if a message is being sent to those who are pro-life after a pro-life man was gunned down and murdered on 9/11. I believe that since satan is the god of this world that we should not just take whatever "they" tell us as being true.

  2. As a scientist of long standing and someone who saw an excellent special on the construction of the twin towers I would say that the buildings acted exactly as they would be expected to act given the size of the impact and the fact that these were fully fueled jumbo jets read of a transatlantic flight.

    The catastrophic collapse was simply what happens when one floor collapses on another that is already weakened and then when the two continue fallen you have three and it's like a chain reaction increasing its impact floor by floor.

    The odd thing is that anyone could think that the government would have anything to do with such a thing. The ability of some people to imagine sinister conspiracies seems unbounded.

  3. a better analysis from actual experts (over 800 building professionals) can be found here: ray- how do you explain building seven, the third skyscraper to have fallen? nano-thermite has been definitively found in the dust (high grade explosives)! the facts are there you just have to seek them out. 9/11 was an inside job.
