Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Abortion leads to Murder

Abortion argument leads to murder of pregnant woman

This father was pro-choice. Since the mother had the "choice" to kill her child if she wanted to, I guess he felt he had the "choice" to kill her and the child if she refused what he wanted. Let's set up a logical syllogism.

Unborn children are human beings.

It is morally acceptable to kill unborn children.

Therefore, it is morally acceptable to kill human beings.

The law is a teacher and the law is teaching that killing to get what you want is okay in the culture of death. Mother Teresa said that was what abortion taught and the increasing violence, the increasing number of forced abortions, the increasing murders of pregnant women because they refuse to abort illustrate the moral depravity of "choice."

Here's another logical syllogism.

Pro-choice people believe women have the right to kill their unborn children.

A is pro-choice.

Therefore, A believes women have the right to kill their unborn children.

"Pro-choicers" always try to have it both ways. They don't support killing children, while they support the right to kill children. That's like saying Hitler didn't support killing Jews; he just supported the right to kill Jews. It's a distinction without a difference.

Be honest, you "pro-choicers" out there. Unborn babies are trash to you who can be killed if somebody "chooses" it. This father chose to abort his baby in a very crude way by killing the mother. Hey, maybe he's just a man ahead of his time. Since it's okay to kill someone who's smaller than you are, he just extended the logic a bit to include the mom.

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