Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Archbishop Burke says No Catholic Funeral for Pro-Abortion Politicians!

Archbishop Burke repeats: no Communion, no Catholic funeral for pro-abortion politicians

The head of the highest Church court, Archbishop Raymond Burke, has said there should be NO COMMUNION and NO CATHOLIC FUNERAL for pro-abortion Catholic politicians without public evidence of remorse. The sin is public, "his repentance must also be public," said the Archbishop.

FROM LIFESITE NEWS:Funeral Rites Should be Denied to Publicly Pro-Abort Catholics: Vatican Official Says Catholics also "should have the courage to look truth in the eye and call things by their common names."...

"In what appeared to be a reference to the Kennedy funeral scandal, Burke said that 'neither Holy Communion nor funeral rites should be administered' to politicians who support abortion or same-sex 'marriage.'

"'To deny these is not a judgment of the soul, but a recognition of the scandal and its effects,' he said.

"Burke said that when a politician is associated 'with greatly sinful acts about fundamental questions like abortion and marriage, his repentance must also be public.'

"'Anyone who grasps the gravity of what he has done will understand the need to make it public,' said Burke.

"Sen. Ted Kennedy, a staunch abortion and same-sex 'marriage' supporter, was laid to rest in a highly publicized and laudatory Catholic funeral ceremony in Boston on August 29. Catholic pro-life leaders had pleaded with Cardinal Sean O'Malley not to allow the public ceremony, but the cardinal ultimately presided over the rites. In turn, other leaders in the Catholic community, most notably Fr. Thomas Rosica, the CEO of Canada's Salt & Light television network, lambasted the pro-life response to the funeral as uncharitable."

Thank you, Archbishop Burke, for having the courage to speak the truth in charity. Thank you for affirming faithful Catholics in their attempts to uphold the fullness of Catholic truth. Thank you for acting as a true doctor of souls offering the medicinal remedy to save souls. May those Catholic politicians who have sold their souls for the allure of worldly honors recognize the danger they face, turn away from evil, and embrace the laws of God.

"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Let us pray that Archbishop Burke's courageous witness to the truth will put the fear of the Lord into not only wayward politicians, but his brother bishops who endanger the souls of their flocks, and their own souls, by tickling ears with false teaching.


  1. Funeral and communion in catholic rite are SERVICES and the church officials are SERVANTS to the Lord. They are not JUDGES: our Lord shall judge, who deserves His grace. Till the Judgement Day, the church should SERVE to our Lord, not to make DECISIONS instead of Him, as our Lord will make His statement about every soul only then, and "We cannot set any limits to the Lord´s will and deeds", as Brother William from Baskerville had said.

  2. Are you a Catholic because your statement doesn't fit with Catholic doctrine?

    Jesus said to the apostles (the first priests) "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." In other words, the apostles were to make judgements about people's behavior and to act on them. Throughout history good bishops have required serious sinners to show a sign of repentance before being admitted to the Church.

    Your statement makes the priest the equivalent of the cashier at McDonalds.

    The sacraments aren't Big Macs to be dispensed on demand. He's an apostle and a teacher with the obligation to make judgements and call people to repentance. If someone doesn't repent in Confession he can't be given absolution. If someone is a notorious public sinner, he must be denied the Eucharist. Not to do that is for the priest to be complicit in sacrilege and endanger his own soul as well as those he is called to admonish.

  3. Jesus also disapproved organized religion. To best serve the Lord, my moral compass is what's best for the world. I make the world better by being here and helping other people. Be the blessing you are meant to be and share your blessings with those around you.

    Pro abortion politicians need your blessings more than anybody else. We are in no position to judge. Those who pass judgement often don't judge themselves and miss out on opportunities to make themselves better.

  4. What's the basis for your saying that? Jesus said, "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." (Matt. 16) If he wasn't founding a church (i.e. "organized religion") why did he say he was?

    What did the apostles think he meant? Acts is filled with references to "the church." The apostles met in council to discuss doctrines and sent letters to the various churches clarifying it. The evidence for "organized religion" is everywhere in the New Testament. Even Revelation talks in apocryphal language about messages sent to the various churches.

    So what is your rationale for saying that Jesus "disapproved organized religion?" I see no evidence of that and much to dispute it.

    As for not judging, do you really mean that? Can I judge that smoking is unhealthy? Stealing is wrong? Getting an education is better than being ignorant? Judging is part of life. I can't jusge the state of a person's soul, but I can certainly judge that a rapist needs to be in prison, can't I?

  5. First of all, Jesus spoke out against organized religion for loading people down with rules and regulations without really helping people. That's where I get that statement.

    As for not judging, you should judge things but not people. Duh, smoking is bad for you so don't do it. And when a criminal is judged to be sentenced, it is not his soul that is being judged. It is his former acts that are being judged based on the laws. Judging is a part of life, but judging people worthy of a Catholic funeral is not our job. Judging people to be worthy of the Catholic church is going to be the downfall of the Catholic church.

  6. No, he spoke against the pharisees for their hypocrisy. He also said he did not come to eliminate the law but to fulfill it.

    As for judging, aren't you judging the smoker? As for a Catholic funeral, Canon Law judges that unrpentant public sinners should not receive a Catholic funeral. The bishops are in charge of carrying out Church teaching. They will answer for their failure to do it.

    I agree with Archbishop Fulton Sheen who said the problem today is too much "tolerance," tolerance of sin and evil. That's what is damaging the Church. And it is also damaging souls.

    It is an act of charity, a spiritual work of mercy, to "admonish the sinner." The first sinner one needs to admonish is himself, of course. After that he has an obligation in charity to call others to repentance. That is part of evangelization and catechesis.

  7. Who is to judge if the sinner has repented his sins?

    Judging smokers? I see someone smoking and I stay away because I don't want to breathe smoke, not because I judge the smoker not worthy of my presence.

  8. I appreciate you decided to publish my comment, though you don´t agree with me. - I am not a Catholic, but I often discuss topics related to religion with my son who is or pretends to be.
