Sunday, September 13, 2009

The difference between liberals and conservatives

The first picture was taken on the Mall after the tea party on Saturday. The second was taken after the Inauguration last January. Now which of these crowds cared about the environment? No surprise here: it's the nature of liberals to figure someone else will always clean up after their mess. Who would you rather have as a neighbor?


  1. Hm . . . that's kinda odd that you'd put it on your blog. I know a lot of liberals who would pick up their trash (even after the Obama rally in Leesburg, there wasn't a lot of junk on the grass at Ida Lee -- and there weren't any trash cans there). Maybe this too much of a generalization of Democrats, Mary Ann -- I think you should reconsider that statement.

  2. Every generalization has exceptions. And I'm sure there are some who consider themselves conservatives who toss their fast food trash out the window.

    Part of liberalism is expecting others to do for you. But I'm curious... why do you think the results were so different? It's pretty stark!

  3. The pictures are of two different parts of the Mall.

    The teaparty picture is much closer to the Capitol. The inauguration picture is much closer to the Washington Monument and the Smithsonian "castle."

    Do you have any pictures of directly comparable locations?

    As a several-time March for Lifer, I know it is easier to beat up the grass, etc., of the Mall in January than it is in the summer months.

  4. I don't know if there are more comparable pictures. The Inauguration crowd was larger so it went back closer to the Monument. The Tea Party crowd was sparser back there than it was closer to the Capitol building where it was very dense. I'll post a few more photos.

  5. It's not about the grass being beat up, it's about all the GARBAGE on the ground. It's disgusting...and you didn't see that after the conservatives left the mall, but it was literally everywhere after the inauguration.

    In fact, I remember it was commented on after the inauguration as much garbage there was, and how much time it took to clean it up.

  6. The inauguration mob was smaller.

    There's nothing at all odd about putting this up here, and it's not about beating down the grass. It's about the trash and the total disregard demonstrated by the inauguration mob.

    Thanks for pointing this out Mary Ann!

  7. I really expected more from you. The generalizations that you make in turn make you look ignorant and even mean. This does not represent the Catholic community very well.

  8. "Part of liberalism is expecting others to do for you."

    What? I don't even know what to say about this since I am a bleeding heart liberal. I guess it hurts my feelings that someone I love would make such a hurtful statement. My in-laws and several members of my extended family are liberal and I have never noticed this behavior. My sisters-in-law are actually kind of obnoxious with how they pick up trash and take items home from work or restaurants to recycle.

    I don't think it would be fair or accurate to list differences between liberals and conservatives just like it would not be fair to list the differences between men and women or to list the differences between different races. Generalizing a group of people is never a good idea.


  9. The inauguration was a liberal love fest. The tea party was conservative. I don't think you can argue with that fact. If the folks who attended these events were a representative cross section of both groups, the observation and generalization were, unhappily, accurate. For your argument, let's hope the million+ who trashed the Mall were all exceptions.

    The liberals who formed the Litter-Free Inauguration 2009 project ( had absolutely no impact on reducing the volume of the worst mess ever left after an event on the Mall. I applaud their efforts, but they were definitely in the minority, at least in this case.

    I think something my mom used to say applies here. "If the shoe fits wear it."

    As for your comment, Anonymous, I have no respect for people who hide in the dark and throw rocks. So I'll just say, you're a coward, something I would never say about you, Amy. But men and women are different and I agree with the French: "vive la difference."

  10. This is no surprise: you should see Central Park after Earth day stuff. The trash is measured in TONS.

    But your point about Liberals expecting others to do it is interesting: a close friend of my sister's spends a great deal of time in China and the littering there is unbelievable--like they know someone is coming to take care of it.


  11. The difference is.. there is no difference. Left and right are meaningless distinctions in American soup. I love watching liberals and so-called conservatives call each other Fascists.

  12. Puzzling observation, Anonymous. What is the distinction then? Obviously there is a chasm between liberals and conservatives in terms of their philosophies. Are you saying there isn't?

  13. My family couldn't possibly be more Paleo-Conservative (I do think it's vital to distinguish that group form Neo-Cons); and are the most sensitively environmentally inclined people I know. They also abjure animal cruelty; not because animals have rights, but because man has duties (the opposite of the leftist creed). And as liberalism is a great deal about the death of personal responsibility, I think these pictures are very well justified. Are they generalizations? Yes. Are party names and lines generalizations, too? Oh, yes.

  14. Just a quick antidote: A new neighbor (the house is rented to Section 8) moves in with car plastered with Obama stickers. A month later, he backs out of his driveway, knocks over my recycle trash can filled to the top with bottles and cans, looks back and thinks for a moment, then drives away leaving it for me to pick up. I also caught a nasty gash in my thumb for my efforts. These same folks leave the advertising flyers on the lawn and sidewalk, just stepping over them.
    My experience pretty much validates in a smaller way, exactly what this blog says. Not every slob is a liberal, but I'm stuck with one.

  15. Really? Why don't you cite the number of people at both the tea party and the inauguration in your post? If you did, you would see that there were exponentially more people at the inauguration. I don't think the democrat/republican distinction is relevant.
