Saturday, September 19, 2009

He's Here, He's There, He's Everywhere! Dr. Obama & his magic healthcare elixir.

President Obama is out and about this weekend on all the talk shows (well...the liberal talk shows) selling-selling-selling Dr. Obama's Magic Elixir for curing all your aches and pains. Only $900 billion for a ten-year supply. Part of his quack selling technique is to demonize those who debunk the elixir's potency. "It won't work," they say. "In fact it will make you sicker! Drink tea instead."

But the Doc knows how to treat that kind of talk. He told Bob Schieffer of CBS, "The 24-hour news cycle and cable television and blogs and all this, they focus on the most extreme elements on both sides, they can't get enough of conflict. It's catnip to the media right now. And so the easiest way to get 15 minutes of fame is to be rude to somebody." Ah yes, Doc Obama's opponents are rude! They're just trying to keep you from drinking his magic potion because they don't want you to be cured.

Remember, this snake oil salesman is a community organizer and the community organizer uses conflict to sell his elixir. Here's how Saul Alinsky put it, "Your function [is] to agitate to the point of conflict." Dr. Obama needs conflict to freeze his opponents. They are the ones pointing out that Doc Obama is a con man and his elixir is snake oil. So watch for language this weekend that seeks an enemy: the bloggers, conservative talk-radio, insurance companies, etc. Dr. Obama will tell you the tea is poison and the only real cure is his magic elixir. Buy it at your peril. It isn't just sugar water, it's a mix of ingredients downright dangerous to your health.

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