Monday, September 7, 2009

How's That Stimulus Bill Doing?

Not so well judging from the graph showing the administration's predictions of how things would be with and without the stimulus (in blue) and the actual unemployment situation (in maroon).

Many economists said the stimulus would hurt the economy and they appear to have been better prophets than the administration's tealeaf readers.

One of my favorite economists, Dave Ramsey, took issue with this plan last January. It's a spending bill to fund the liberal agenda. The package costs "more than the entire Iraqi war." Dave Ramsey "cannot accept being lied to.... It's absurd."

1 comment:

  1. Certainly says what he means. I agree with him that the most disturbing thing about Obama in general is the rampant lying. He goes out of his way to misrepresent what he is doing. His stimulus package is a targeted pork barrel for extreme liberal causes and a payoff to supporters. If the news media were not laying down and playing fawning sycophants for Obama we might have some cause to impeach or indict -- this stuff is egregious. And it keeps going on and on ... Hopefully people are waking up.
