Tuesday, September 15, 2009

More on Civility and Tea Party Racism

Black conservatives may be scarcer than hen's teeth, but they sure are articulate and they are multiplying. Watch out, you lefties playing the race card. People are beginning to wake up to the fact that it's a cheat you're pulling out of your sleeve.

Manufactured March Madness

Garofalo on American Tea Parties: Racists Who Hate the Black President–Really

Those Racist Tea Parties!

And one more from Alfonzo for good measure. Buy his book!


  1. Hey, don't you know that black conservatives aren't really Black? Just look at those "oreos", Justice Thomas, Alan Keyes, Star Parker, et al. Tsk, tsk.

  2. Don't forget Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. The problem with the left is that they are the racists and always have been. Who's the racist? the one who doesn't think black people can make it without affirmative action or the ones that expect them to make it on the same basis as everyone else. Who's the racist? the ones who think they have to buy black votes with special set-asides or the ones that put black people of merit in high positions like Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell and Clarence Thomas.
    The Democrats were the last to the civil rights table and pretend to have invented it. I guess that means they think black people don't have memories.

  3. Here is another black conservative at the Tea Party speaking about racism: radio talk show host Kim Wade:

    He fires up the crowd.
