Thursday, September 10, 2009

Responses to the President's Encore on Health Care

The president's speech last night offered nothing new, just more of same about his plan which actually doesn't exist. THERE IS NO OBAMA PLAN, just Democratic proposals like HB 3200, the 1000+ page monstrosity that most congressman haven't read. So when the president says that "my plan" will do this or that, what exactly is he talking about? It's convenient, of course, not to have anything written down because he can claim anything about "the plan" and no one can check it out. He can call his critics liars for saying abortion will be covered because he says it won't in "my plan." But the only proposals out there will allow it. So where's your plan, Mr. President?

Remember that with Obama we are basically dealing with a community organizer, not a politician. Politics is the art of compromise - coming up with the best legislation that a body of representatives, voting for the people, can agree to. Community organizing, on the other hand, has nothing to do with compromise. It is about bringing together a constituency that uses whatever means necessary to get what they want. Community organizers are basically lobbyists with clubs and pitchforks.

Saul Alinsky, the father of community organizing, said the organizer must "rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression.... An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent."

Is it any wonder that the government process is becoming so acrimonious? This is the experience our community-organizer-in-chief brought to the oval office. And the tactics being used throughout the health care debate, especially at the town hall meetings with union thugs manhandling people, illustrate the community organizer's talent for fomenting "dissatisfaction and discontent." The president knows nothing about "bi-partisan" working together. The incivility that is so obvious in the government process is fundamental to community organizing.

Not long ago, Phyllis Schlafly advised her Eagle Forum members to "Put Rules for Radicals on your must-read list if you want to understand much of contemporary politics." It was good advice. If you want to know your president, read the book that formed his politics.

Here are some of the responses to the president's speech:

GOP Response to Obama's Health Care Address

From Mike Huckabee

Sarah Palin: Response to the President's Health Care Speech

And from Brian Gibson of Pro-Life Action Minstries:
The following was written for our next newsletter After listening to President Obama's speech last night, it seems more pertinent than when I wrote it earlier this week. Feel free to distribute this as you see fit.

"I Met Obama" -- a Year Later

About a year ago, while returning from sidewalk counseling at Planned Parenthood, I had a "chance" encounter with our President. At the time he was the Democrats candidate for President. Mr. Obama had quietly come to the Twin Cities for an evening fundraising event. My encounter with him was the next morning on the sidewalk in front of the Copper Dome Restaurant. Mr. Obama's "surprise" visit to the restaurant had more police, Secret Service Agents, and media persons in attendance than "regular citizens."

When Mr. Obama came out of the restaurant, he began shaking hands of those who had started to gather on the sidewalk. I was the second to be greeted by the candidate. It was an incredible opportunity to challenge Mr. Obama's pro-abortion positions which I took up immediately as he took my handshake

Much has transpired since that morning in August. The response I received from Mr. Obama has become very telling of this man's way of handling issues which he has strong beliefs and purposeful intentions. His response to me that day, the only person in the vicinity challenging his positions, was remarkably cool and collected. Instead of reacting by backing away or trying to dismiss me quickly, he held my handshake and tried to let me know that he was empathetic to what I was saying, even thanking me for sidewalk counseling that morning. He told me of his deep religious struggle with the abortion issue. But since taking office, Mr. Obama has acted decisively in favor of the killing of the unborn, showing no outward signs of a religious struggle over abortion.

Many months later, as President of the United States, Mr. Obama had a meeting with Roman Catholic Francis Cardinal George which included the life issues. Cardinal George related afterward that he had to repeatedly tell Mr. Obama that they did not agree on abortion and other life issues. Apparently, the President continues to deal with these all too important issues by trying to get us to believe that he agrees with us, while he does something else entirely.

Now Mr. Obama is telling the nation that pro-life leaders are "bearing false witness" and disseminating misinformation regarding the inclusion of abortion and euthanasia in the health care reform legislation he is pressing so hard to get enacted into law. Yet even the mainstream media has begun to make it clear that the President is wrong. The Wall Strret Journal, the Associated Press, Time Magazine, The Washington Post, and have all commented that taxpayer funding of abortion and the requirement that abortion be covered are included in the health care bill before the House of Representatives. Once again, Mr. Obama wants us to accept what he says and disregard what he actually is doing.

He is articulate. He is poised. He is a capable of endearing many to himself as he meets and speaks to thousands. He is very charismatic. But he is also very dangerous. A man whose word is opposite his actions is untrustworthy, no matter how amazingly smooth and articulate he may be.

As stated in Romans 16:18, "For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting." Let us not be the unsuspecting when it comes to our leaders in Washington. Let us keep them in our prayers, not for the success of their plans, but for what is truly for the good of our nation; the defense of the innocent and upholding of the truth. Let us pray for their change of heart toward He who is all good. And let us continue to challenge their evil positions, listening not to smooth and flattering speech.

Our weekly radio show airs on Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to Noon. Listen as it airs in the Twin Cities area on AM 1330 or hear it on the internet from anywhere at Click on "Living the Gospel of Life" to hear the show.

Sincerely in Christ,

Brian Gibson
Executive Director
Pro-Life Action Ministries

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